works fine here. it"hangs" like 15 sec on that jampack manager thingy and then starts fine.
Hi Karel, It might be useful to communicate with your contact in apple on this. Here is the situation: Logic 9.02 and Main Stage 2.0.1 are affected As Sigurd Foshaug AC Enterprise Support Advisor - EMEIA, confirmed there are reported cases and apple is already looking into it. - THANKS SIGURD! On macs that have VePro installed, Logic will not start mainstage at all, it hangs up on opening jampack manager, or it takes literally 5-10 minutes before it may start. Logic itself spends way too long (sometimes 15-20 seconds) to initialise loop browser on startup. This has been reported to apple on several occaisons now. We temporarily fixed it by using terminal and exchanging the loop browser in the package content of Mainstage, using a 9.0 version as a workaround, and in deed it works for now. If you like to get in contact with Sigurd, send me a PM and I give you his email. Hope that helps Best wishes Georg
Is this with the last public beta? Installing that version should fix this issue. Thanks for reporting.
You're welcome Karel. In my case it is: - OSX 5,8 - Logic 9.02 - Mainstage 2.0.1 - VePro 4.0.4536 As for 15 or more seconds Logic checking on loop browser/ jam pack manager, this shoud not be, it is finished here in 1-2 seconds. Apple had plenty cases such as mine, and only because we were talking on the phone we found out that it will start eventually after 8 minutes or so, but buggy.
HI Karl, Thanks, but I burned my fingers twice with beta releases badly. Not from VSL I might add, but as a result I do not touch betas anymore. If I had a mac around that is not critical to my owrk, I would do it. Just out of curiousity, what is it with that vsldaemon2?
Hi Bill, strange, but I am pretty certain when I bought it, that it was not listed as beta. At the moment the only one in my user area listed as regular is 4416 and of course public beta 4657.
Now that I look back through the builds, I see that I’m mistaken; 4536 was not a beta, but the first update. 4416 was the initial release. They pulled 4536 off, saying that the betas were more stable than it was.
Which part of the Atlantic is your “Oceanview” of?
Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190 -