I've spent hours setting a template in Logic 9 to use in conjunction with VE Pro. I have three instances of VE Pro on my master computer (Mac Pro 3ghz 8-core, 16 GB ram, MOTU 2408mk3) and two instances on a slave computer (Macbook Pro 2.4ghz, 4 GB ram). When I record in MIDI on any of the VE Pro tracks from my Mac Pro things seem great momentarily. When I switch over to any other track in Logic, what I just recorded on that VE Pro track does not play back. But if I go back to that VE Pro/Mac Pro track (with it selected and record enabled) it plays fine. Then again, when I don't have it selected or record enabled nothing sounds, yet all the regions and MIDI data still show up. If I copy that MIDI region to an EXS track it all plays fine.
I've tried opening up a fresh project in Logic and this still occurs. If I recreate this in Cubase 4.5.2 it works fine.
I'm wondering if the problem is from Logic 9, VE Pro or just me?
Thanks for the help.
VE Pro 4.0.4604 and Logic 9 not sounding
Hi Karel, Thank you so much for the help! That was the issue. I even feel like an idiot now because my friend who recommended VE Pro to me stated that I have to low the buffer range to medium when I use it in Logic. Good thing I listened, huh? Anyway, thanks again!