Hello -
Just got the fantastic Vienna Pro! Unfortunately my 3rd party VST instruments (like Kontakt, Omni, etc.) are not showing up like they do on the instructional video.
I noticed in the manual a very brief mention that in OSX, the AU instruments appear. Does this mean there are no options to load my VST instruments into VPro?
Also, my Epic Orchestra displays only the "01 App-Strings - Preset" and not the individual instruments. Is this normal? All strings are bundled together into a single patch thereby preventing me from, for example, playing pizz violins simultaneously with sustained celli.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Here's my rig:
Mac Pro Intel, OS 10.5.6, dual Quad core 3 GHz, 16 G RAM, Cubase 4.2.274, RME Fireface, waves Gold, Halion, Vienna Pro, Vienna Instruments VST plug-in 1.14, Stylus RMX 1.6.0, Hypersonic, Virtual Guitar Electric, Omni -- Music Lab midi over LAN connected to a Vista 64 PC running Giga studio 4 and another Vista 64 PC running EastWest Symphonic Orch in the new 64-bit PLAY.