Firstly, thanks for implementing external MIDI buses in the server to work around AU's MIDI port limitation!
The issue I'm encountering is due to how Logic treats it's virtual instrument tracks in regards to live MIDI. Unlike Ableton Live and Cubase/Nuendo where the VI tracks are always live and 'input ready', Logic only allows the currently selected "record ready" instrument to be latency free and produce sound when the sequencer is not running.
Let's say I have 4 instances of VE Pro and each one of those instanciations has 32 MIDI channels total. I setup my IAC busses (remove my 'SUM' midi input from Logic and cable just my controller to the input to avoid midi feedback loops), and am ready to work. In order for Logic to keep a VI 'live', it has to be record selected. Otherwise, you won't hear sound from the instance - unless Logic is playing or in record. Having to have both the VI instance record selected AND the IAC bus track, recording a sequence results in data on the VI track and on the MIDI track. Playing back, there is latency unless the VI track is record selected. Is there are way of 'locking' your record selection on the VI tracks?
Any environment tricks that I'm missing?