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  • You know, I think Yanick is onto something.

    Currently, I'm using only Kontakt 3 ahead of Play in VE Pro (VST 3 plug through the server in Cubase 5) and I have no problem using Play or even loading instances of it.  I noticed the errors were gone when loading Play and that this happened after I deleted the default Vienna Instrument out of VEPro. All this on Vista 64 using two machines and two VE Pro VST 3 plugs.

    So it may have something to do with a conflict between these two particular instruments.

  • Do remember that on OSX there is no 64bit version, so PLAY is designed so that you can turn off DFD. it may be that there are some settings here that you can change.


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    @CSTeam said:

    noticed the errors were gone when loading Play and that this happened after I deleted the default Vienna Instrument out of VEPro.

    You just reinforced my thoughts on Memory Allocation conflict between Play and VI.  I know earlier I stated VE-PRO but was assuming that one was using VI within VE-PRO.  I probably should have said conflict between VI memory allocation and PLAY.  I've found the same type of issue when using just VI and PLAY in either Cubase or Logic.  VE-PRO is the host.  VI and PLAY I've found don't work well together especially if you start freezing tracks and dumping memory in Cubase.   Not so bad in Logic where the memory isn't dumped when frozen.  I know you can also freeze in Cubase with dumping memory and Sonar is the same way -- you have a choice.

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    @Yanick said:

    But having VIs load after Play and all work fine.

    Order seems to matter. in my case at least.

    VSL is more graceful in handing memory allocations it appears......

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    @DG said:

    Do remember that on OSX there is no 64bit version, so PLAY is designed so that you can turn off DFD. it may be that there are some settings here that you can change.

    Hi DG,

    I've played around with those settings.  It is either the instrument is all loaded in memory or only the base samples.  For me, it didn't seem to make a difference either way when using it with VI.  I also had issues using it with Kontakt.  Omnisphere and Trilian appear to work ok along with PLAY.

  • It seems that my dropped notes issue in Play occurs only on DXF patches where the MOD wheel is used. If I replace the Play DXF patch with a regular sustained patch or even a MOD wheel string patch from Kontakt 3.5 there is no dropped note. Weird. This seems to be exclusive with Play..... and most of my libs are Play. As well, if I load a version of my project without any of my VE Pro instances instantiated on my DAW, re-open them, reroute them, open up my Play templates on my slave in Ve Pro; everything works without dropped notes. I can save, continue working and tracking and everything is stable. But the next time I open the same project, the dropped notes are there again at the exact same points. Don't know if this bit of info helps in troubleshooting the issue at hand. Any one else with strange issues similar to these?

  • In C4 I have already Play issues with the Vienna Instrument VST without VEPro, if I load up the Vienna Instrument VST first and then the Play VST. So in VEPro if yo load the Vienna Player, or not delete it because it is the first instrument loaded, you will have problems running Play. First load up Play then the Vienna Instrument and everything works fine. And yes I'm running VEPro over lan with a winxp32 master and a win764 slave.

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    @BloodyJoe said:

    In C4 I have already Play issues with the Vienna Instrument VST without VEPro, if I load up the Vienna Instrument VST first and then the Play VST. So in VEPro if yo load the Vienna Player, or not delete it because it is the first instrument loaded, you will have problems running Play. First load up Play then the Vienna Instrument and everything works fine. And yes I'm running VEPro over lan with a winxp32 master and a win764 slave.
    Hey Joe, I do delete the Vienna Instrument VST before loading up Play (but have never loaded up the Vienna Instrument alongside it as of yet), but it doesn't resolve my dropped notes issue. Have you ever experienced this dropped note issue yourself? Don't know what more to do short of going MOL to get this setup to work for me.....

  • What is the latest status on PLAY right now?

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    @lenersen said:

    What is the latest status on PLAY right now?


     Same as before.


  • Any updates?

  • EW said a 64 bit Mac version of PLAY is on the way... maybe this would be the solution for this issue ?

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    @Req75 said:

    EW said a 64 bit Mac version of PLAY is on the way... maybe this would be the solution for this issue ?


    I doubt it. There seems to be a basic incompatibility between the way the PLAY GUI is coded, and VE Pro. dd that to the fact that EW has their own "better" Network solution in testing (that involves spending £££££££££££££ to be better), then I don't think you'll see much movement on this. [;)]


  • Well, I'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed. With VE Pro working with Kontakt, Spectrasonics, and hopefully Play, I will have my dream setup. Plus, I can stop worrying about my slaves not syncing correctly over ADAT.

  •  I would agree with DG on this.

    I just don't think there will be much movement on this issue.  The programs really do seem to be incompatible with each other, and any potential solution looks to be extremely complex.

  • I had my PLAY libraries working fine on VE Pro 4881 since that version came out, till i installed EWQL Pianos Play yesterday. Back to the original issue; frozen GUI. I forgot what I did initially to make Play work under 4881 so I messed around with it for hours with no success. Finally, I found an older version of VE Pro (4604) on my HD and installed it. Play worked fine as long as I turned on the Engine (top left corner power button) before I loaded the PLAY plugin. Unfortunately my templates from 4881 do not load under 4604 so I have to make a decision to rebuild my entire template which could take close to a week, or somehow get PLAY to work like it used to on 4881. For now I'll be going with the latter. I'll post my findings ASAP.

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    @Sami said:

    I had my PLAY libraries working fine on VE Pro 4881 since that version came out, till i installed EWQL Pianos Play yesterday. Back to the original issue; frozen GUI. I forgot what I did initially to make Play work under 4881 so I messed around with it for hours with no success. Finally, I found an older version of VE Pro (4604) on my HD and installed it. Play worked fine as long as I turned on the Engine (top left corner power button) before I loaded the PLAY plugin. Unfortunately my templates from 4881 do not load under 4604 so I have to make a decision to rebuild my entire template which could take close to a week, or somehow get PLAY to work like it used to on 4881. For now I'll be going with the latter. I'll post my findings ASAP.

    Have you tried J-Bridge? It has worked for me, so that i can use any version of VE Pro and it doesn't mess things up. If you want to try I can look up the settings I used to make it work.


  • I forgot to mention, everything is running on 3 VE Pro 64 Servers on my i7 slave machines, hosted on PTHD 8. Are you suggesting to J-Bridge the PLAY instruments on the VEPRO slaves? if so, any latency?

  • Yes, J-Bridge them on the slaves. I have noticed no additional latency. However, I'm working on one machine and have no slaves, so I can't speak for your situation.


  • I'll try that first thing in the morning and come back with the findings, thanks for the help.