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  • VE Pro crashed - now Cubase project can't reconnect to server

     An instance of VE Pro on one of my slave machines crashed and brought Cubase down with it.  Now when I re-open that project I can't get the VE Pro VSTi's to reconnect to the servers.  I've shut everything down, re-started, re-loaded, etc. but that project will not reconnect to the VE Pro servers on the slaves.  I've even removed all instances of the VE Pro VSTi and re-loaded them in Cubase but it still will not connect to the servers in that project.

    I can start a new Cubase project and connect just fine but the one that crashed will not connect - when I click on the "Connect" button in the VSTi window in Cubase, there are no servers listed.  All of the other VSTi's in the project load up just fine.

    Again - new projects work fine but I can't get the saved project to connect, even if I remove all VE Pro VSTi's then re-instantiate them.

    Any help there?



  • While not the best and easy way, have you tried to open a new project (hopefully some kind of template), than open up the old one - just don't activate it when asked - and copy all midi data from that window over to the new project ? Hopefully one of the VSL guys can chime in and tell you something much more simple but that'd be one way of continue working, I guess.

  • That's a last resort option because there's so much I've done with the mixer on the VSTi output channels - it would take forever to re-create it.

    I did find a workaround, though: I removed all other VSTi's other than VE Pro.  Once I did that, the VE Pro VSTi again showed the slaves.  Of course, I lost all my mixer settings for the other VSTi's...

    Very odd behavior and concerning that the project file was somehow corrupted...


  • You can save/load mixer settings and views - at least in C5.1. Just right click on the mixer and you'll see the options.

    So in case it got corrupted but maybe loads midi & mixer settings - just doesn't want to connect to VE anymore (whyever) - that would be an option to try to recreate everything. However, I never worked with saving/loading those settings - I got my template for that. I'm not sure if it actually works with different .cprs, but logically it should.

    Just as a last resort, of course. Good luck and maybe VSL knows a better solution.