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    @JKOL said:

    Thanks. I was getting worried when someone said "Intel only" and MAC.

    What OS are you intending to use?


    Vista 64 on host and Windows XP 32 on slave. Will this work? 

     Yes, it should be fine.


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    @fs_18397 said:

    c'mon guys! you can't be serious!!! I only bought the VE 3 a few days ago, because i wanted to host some 3rd party plug ins and a part of my symphonic cube on a slave G5 PPC with the VE-Pro upgrade. your VE-Pro preview page say nothing(!!!) about "intel only". it's not acceptable! you guys have to work it out!


     I suggest that you contact support for a refund.


    ok. so is this an official statement of  "the vienna guys"? ('cause i was hoping to push their motivation.) or is it just your own suggestion. do you work for vienna or are you just a poweruser?

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    @fs_18397 said:

    c'mon guys! you can't be serious!!! I only bought the VE 3 a few days ago, because i wanted to host some 3rd party plug ins and a part of my symphonic cube on a slave G5 PPC with the VE-Pro upgrade. your VE-Pro preview page say nothing(!!!) about "intel only". it's not acceptable! you guys have to work it out!


     I suggest that you contact support for a refund.


    ok. so is this an official statement of  "the vienna guys"? ('cause i was hoping to push their motivation.) or is it just your own suggestion. do you work for vienna or are you just a poweruser?


    I don't work for VSL, but they have stated more than once that there are no current plans to release VE Pro for PPC. You can take that as a never, or not now, or not for a few months. It's up to you. [:'(]

    However, do bear in mind that it's not just a question of programming time, it's also a question of testing time for a defunct platform. What they could do is estimate the cost of all that, publish the figure, and then do some sort of group buy where the more people who sign up (and pay in advance) the cheaper it would be. That way it would cost them nothing, and you would get what you want. [;)]


  • Dual, Quad and 8 core G5  have still long life to run.

    It is very cost effective to use them as farms to run our libs

    PLEASE VSL make VE PRO to work on PPC 

    Correct me if I am wrong : with the actual C compilers I thought it was just a question to compile the source to use PPC code instead of Intel 



    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • 8 core G5? Is there such a thing?

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    @dpcon said:

    8 core G5? Is there such a thing?

    sorry it's too early ! there is no 8 core G5, just quad core G5[:$]

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    @Cyril said:

    Correct me if I am wrong : with the actual C compilers I thought it was just a question to compile the source to use PPC code instead of Intel 

    For pure C yes. But for all binary operations you have the little endian/big endian issue. Also all assembler code would be affected the same way.

  • No PPC support is a MAJOR disappointment, and a bad business move by VSL IMO. Of course we all eventually upgrade our main systems, but even when I do go intel, I was planning on using my PPC G5 as a VSL slave in conjunction with Vienna Ensemble & Vienna Suite. This "intel only" approach may force me to rethink my VSL studio, as it seems silly to be forced to throw out a perfectly good computer and purchase new intel macs in order to run VE pro as a slave. I thought the purpose VE was to make it easy to gain extra CPU from other computers in your studio by simply adding an ethernet cable. It seems to me this program was DESIGNED for "legacy" computers, as odds are THESE are the computers that you have laying around your studio and could really benefit from such a product!

    IMO the ability to use VSL on a PPC slave is a VERY good reason to continue development for the PPC platform, as this would be the market who stands to benefit most from such a software. I thought VE/VS was the Grail for large orchestral compositions as it allowed us to put ALL our computers back to work with only an ethernet cable. Please dont take this ability away from us! 

  • Nobody is forcing anyone to upgrade. I thought that VE3 already worked on PPC? So continue using it then. Nobody has lost anything. The only people who can say whether or not it is a bad business move are the people who run VSL. None of us have any idea how much extra cost it would add to the development and testing bill, all for a dead platform.

    The idea that using a few G5s linked together is in any sense the Grail for large orchestral composition is just not true. Buy a new PC or Mac Pro, and you can already do that with just one computer. You don't need a million and one old, slow computers. My suggestion would be to sell your G5s, as I believe that they still have some market value, and just buy one decent computer instead.


  • Not so clear about one thing - RTAS. I have my main daw running RTAS 7.4. My slaves are all VE Pro compatible - WIn7, XP64 etc. 

    RTAS 7.4 only runs on Tiger, and I'm on intel. 

    The specs for VE Pro mention that RTAS needs to be 7.3 or higher. But it also says that VE Pro needs 10.5. But, RTAS 7.3 doesn't work on 10.5. You need to go to 7.4.2 before it's approved for 10.5. 

    Can I run the main daw using VE Pro on RTAS 7.4 with 10.4.11, while sending the audio from the slaves? Conflicting specs make this confusing. 

    I sure hope so, because I need to keep it Tiger until other developers come around and fix various Leopard issues. 

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    @DG said:

    My suggestion would be to sell your G5s, as I believe that they still have some market value, and just buy one decent computer instead.

    Hello DG .

    I think that PPC G5 is a great machine. A decent machine.

    I work with one G5 . Rock Solid Computer.

    I am using one PC as a slave to run VE 3.

    I don't know why VE 3 PRO can't run on my PPC.

    A decent computer . Very DECENT.

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    @DG said:

    My suggestion would be to sell your G5s, as I believe that they still have some market value, and just buy one decent computer instead.

    Hello DG .

    I think that PPC G5 is a great machine. A decent machine.

    I work with one G5 . Rock Solid Computer.

    I am using one PC as a slave to run VE 3.

    I don't know why VE 3 PRO can't run on my PPC.

    A decent computer . Very DECENT.


    Yes, the G5 was a decent machine 4 years ago.


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    @DG said:

    Yes, the G5 was a decent machine 4 years ago.


    Hi DG 

    You forgot that the frist Intel Mac pro where slower that the G5 [:'(]



    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    @DG said:

    Yes, the G5 was a decent machine 4 years ago.


    Hi DG 

    You forgot that the frist Intel Mac pro where slower that the G5 [:'(]




    Not according to Apple........... [;)]


  • With VE 3 Pro and my G5 and Slaved PC ... I can go so far........


    Regards from Brazil

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    @DG said:

    Yes, the G5 was a decent machine 4 years ago.


    Hi DG 

    You forgot that the frist Intel Mac pro where slower that the G5 [:'(]




    Not according to Apple...........


    Hi DG,

    i think the first Mac Intel Machines worked slower than the top G5s - certainly when running Logic, Part of this was, I believe, a software optimisation thing but there were certainly disgruntled MacPro owners for a while!
