I get serious didital kracks only in the return channel (bus) when i try to route instruments through that bus, for using it may be whith the new reverb. Even when there is no Fx in the return channel. It´s just a simple pre fade into bus mixing configuration. For testing the instrument channel itself was mutet.
I use two identical PC´s for all my Vienna Stuff. Intel core 2 Quad, 2.4Ghz, 8GB Ram, ASUS P5W-DH Deluxe, XPx64, RME 9652.
The one I have the problems with is just doing Strings. My idea was to give all the instruments the same amount of reverb by setting all the sends to 0.0 ( unity gain).
The thing is, the more channels (instruments) I set the send´s, the more digital noise I get in the return. But I just playing one instrument. I using about 28 insruments in VE as stand alone(5,6GB used). Even when I route the instrument itself to a bus I get the krackling noise. Depending how much send´s I setted.
RME Buffer is 256. Changing it has no effect.
On the other PC it seems to be OK, but i don´t use that much instruments on that.
I´m using all of the Vienna´s for years, allways up to date, never had problems like that. But I never used the Bus, because there was no need.
Someone any idea?