I listened to that track, it was fun how you edited the old and new piano on the same track, I believe I played the old version as well.
Sometimes it's not on the spot we can appreciate the differences, our ear needs time. As for me, I cannot bear to listen to the old version after having done the new one. I compared it to some versions on itunes, it's definitely comparable, dynamics, timbre, contrasts etc... Another thing, I don't mind listening to the new version over and over, that's probably because of the subtle contrasts between the notes.
For the first time I have a piano lib I can enjoy improvising on, I did this piece, Heart Thoughts in the product info page: http://vsl.co.at/en/211/442/478/1701/1705/1308.htm there is no way this could of been done without velocity flexibility of the Vienna Imperial. Also just want to mention the sus pedal, on any other piano lib you could leave the sus ped through out the piece and it hardly has any effect, with the Vienna Imperial you have to change it just like a real piano. I could go on but to me it's a no brainer.
I'm sorry I didn't see anything about half pedal.