Hi Civilization 3,
Was viewing the comments on this post. I run an 8-core Mac and have experienced many issues having to reboot due to Syncrosoft issues. I should say that I assume their Syncrosoft issues because when everything locks up, there is a square image on my screen under the sequencer window...sometimes it just a white square other times it has Syncrosoft Error messages on it. I don't know if it is because I'm up again memory or not. I kinda thought that may be the case.
One question... I use Logic, Pro Tools and Cubase 5. When using Logic or Pro Tools LE, the fans on my Mac run at a low, quiet pace. When I start Cubase, a few seconds later, the fans go into high gear. It's like an airplane taking off. Then awhile later they will back down for a minute or so, then start back up again.
Do you experience this?
I spoke with Cubase support and they advised that Cubase 5 is not support for 8-core Intels yet. That seems strange to me but they said that I would have to wait for the next (post snow leopard) release before Cubase is supported on the 8-core Macs.