question.....are there randomizations for each note of each layer?
what i meant was if you restrike the piano on a note at exactly the same velocity are their round-robbins?
@svonkampen said:
what i meant was if you restrike the piano on a note at exactly the same velocity are their round-robbins?yes, there are alternate samples for all pedal down samples
but there are many more factors
for examples if you perform pedal up andyou have one notet a vel. 50 and the next vel 51, you get two different samples, which gives the impression of round-robbin, because the volume difference is barely detectable
and further all short notes can sound like different samples, because of triggering different release samples,
note length from 0-100 MS have their dedicated releasesamples,
100-200 MS have dedicated release samples, 200 - 500 MS als, and so on
so in summary a lot of "randomisation"
impressive ;-) mre question: The piano sounds awesome for it possible to get her sounding closer? If not that's fine....since for the application she's intended she's near perfect to my ears......
We have two demos where you can download a close position rendering with not much reverb:
You have to click on the "DOWNLOAS TUTORIAL" button, than you can download the "player" and "close" mp3 renderings.
Hopefully we can offer more demos demonstrating jazz and pop style in the near future.
@Football said:
Yup, I'd love to hear Pop and Jazz demos soon since it's been all classical so far. Really need to before I plunk down that kind of cash.
I'll be mixing an alternative rock band at the end of next week; we plan to use the Imperial Grand on two tracks. If both the band and their label agree, I'll post one of the songs (or at least a part of it).
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library -
We have a couple of new demos online:
There is also the first piece of the Imperial with orchestra, Tchaikovsky "Piano Concerto No-1 1st mov",
but also some Jazz and Lounge style pieces.
Also a first video is online where you can watch Guy Bacos performing a Chopin Etude
thanks a lot to Guy and Mario!
Does this piano support half-pedaling? This is a future lacking in Synthogy Ivory. How about the same in Bosendorfer Imperial? Another thing: if you could publish (I'm sure you have some for your own comparison) one piece performed by both, Bosendorfer Imperial and Vienna Imperial... Chopin Polonaise Op 53 would be probably the best piece to do so! Thanks in advance!
1. Thanks a lot for such a prompt reply!
2. I made a small switching comparison, but it is unfair, as two pianos are using different perspecives: comparison
In my opinion both are really good, I can't hear a crushing superiority... However the old one is more plastic-like.
3. So, how about the half pedaling? :>
I listened to that track, it was fun how you edited the old and new piano on the same track, I believe I played the old version as well.
Sometimes it's not on the spot we can appreciate the differences, our ear needs time. As for me, I cannot bear to listen to the old version after having done the new one. I compared it to some versions on itunes, it's definitely comparable, dynamics, timbre, contrasts etc... Another thing, I don't mind listening to the new version over and over, that's probably because of the subtle contrasts between the notes.
For the first time I have a piano lib I can enjoy improvising on, I did this piece, Heart Thoughts in the product info page: there is no way this could of been done without velocity flexibility of the Vienna Imperial. Also just want to mention the sus pedal, on any other piano lib you could leave the sus ped through out the piece and it hardly has any effect, with the Vienna Imperial you have to change it just like a real piano. I could go on but to me it's a no brainer.
I'm sorry I didn't see anything about half pedal.
You're right, I also thing that it takes some time to find nuances and get used to them so much that you cannot return to the old version. But it's a pity if half-pedaling is not present, because it's quite convenient for example for ending a song - increasing the fading down, but not cutting at once.
Thanks Guy for the Tchai 1 and Chopin demo !
now i am badly need the Imperial in my gear !
Thanks Herb and all the Vienna team for this great achievement in the world of virtual instrument.