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  • Short film scored using VSL

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    Hi everyone,

    I scored this film over a year ago using the Vienna Instruments & Pro Edition amongst other things. For some reason I've only just thought of showing it here now! It's just about finished the festival rounds and it won 'Best Foreign Film' at Washougal International Film Festival last year. I should also give a special mention and thank you to Kasia Middleton who sang the solo soprano parts (and very patiently put up with my repeated requests for 'just one more take').

    And so without any further ado I present, for your viewing pleasure, 'Red Hood'...


  • Hi Martin

    Thanks for posting this. Enjoyed watching the film and listening to your music. Nice writing and singing, Had to google Washougal as I hadn't heard of it before.

    No criticism whatsoever Martin, but I personally didn't find it scary enough.

    Not as scary as visiting my own Grandmother in the late 60's.

    That was until she ended up in an Old Folks Home around about the time of decimilisation.

    She would struggle to tell the difference between me and my Grandfather.

    Not to mention an old threepenny bit and a new 50 pence coin (x 40!).

    My parents are still none the wiser as to why, every Sunday, when given the choice of going to the zoo or the seaside, me and my brothers and sisters said as one:

     "F**k that.....let's go see granny".


  • There can be a thin line between being 'funny' and stupid, and I have to acknolwedge that the latter is too often the case with me at the moment. I mean no offence.

    I have genuine respect for anyone that posts their music in the forum, and the music they post.

    Ultimately, I am only making light of myself.


  • Hi Colin,

    Thanks for the comments - I really didn't think anything bad of what you said. It's nice the film took you off on that trip down amnesia lane though...

    I have to admit, when the director told me the film had won the award I thought "the what festival?" and googled it myself!

    The score was actually the first time I felt I got the 'big' orchestral sound almost right, although listening back now I'm not very happy with the strings on the final section and I wish I'd done more with the expression/velocity xfade. I've also noticed that I seem to be keeping up a habitual avoidance of woodwinds other than the piccolo and contrabassoon, which is defintely a bad habit! Having checked the dates I see I actually finished the music 2 years ago and I've just finished work on another film for the same director so it's nice to re-listen to this to see if I've improved in the meantime.

    Thanks again for the comments Colin.


  • Cheers Martin

    Well done on winning the award. Check your PMs..


  • Hi Colin,

    I don't seem to have recieved any PMs - feel free to email at thorntonml *at*


  • Hi Martin

    Have done.


  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on