Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    Hi all,

    some answers to your questions:

    @ChoPraTs said:

    My question is:

    If I buy now only the Vienna Special Edition PLUS Standard version, to complete my Vienna Special Edition library, I will get the Vienna Special Edition PLUS Extended version for free? Is that correct? Then, I will save near 50%, really?

    I have some doubts because my English is not very good and I fear not to have understood the promotion correctly.

    Yes, it's possible to apply the free Extended Library like this! 😉


    Generally, it's also possible to use the free Extended Library for a Vienna Instrument where you've alredy registered the respective Standard Library. But please note that you'll have to purchase and register a Vienna Instruments Standard Library (DVD Collection) between the 16th of March and the 15th of April to qualify for a free Extended Library!

    I hope you find this information helpful!

    Best regards,


  • If you just bought the Vienna Super Package Standard Library and haven't registered it yet can you get any extended libraries for free under the offer???

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    @chopinel said:

    If you just bought the Vienna Super Package Standard Library and haven't registered it yet can you get any extended libraries for free under the offer???

    Yes, you can get two free extended libraries.



  • THanks Herb, I have starting doing all the registering however what do i need to do exactly to get the 2 free extended libraries? Do I just need to write to someone to look at my registers? I have already bought them so I can't write it in the comment field.

  • Hi Chopinel,

    Simply complete the registration of all parts of the Vienna Super Package, write an email to afterwards and mention which Extended Libraries you'd like to receive for free. ;-)



  • Stefan,

    Can you confirm you received my email please.  I sent it last week and haven't heard anything about it and the 15th is closing in.



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    not stefan - assuming he received your mail and actually answered - but i can see 90% of all emails to comcast (including yours) currently bouncing - we are using 24 different mailservers and almost all of them are said to be blacklisted (what is not true of course)


    SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:

    host []: 554 comcast Comcast block for spam. Please see

    blablabla .... same message for up to ... request for whitelisting is answered with useless automated replies ... it is VERY complicated to communicate with comcast

    sorry, out of our sphere of influence .. i'll ask stefan to answer via PM


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  •  Thanks Christian.  I shall send you an email with my company email address as opposed to my personal (comcast) address.



  • I missed these offers. I don't currently own any VSL libraries, but am looking at possibly adding them. Particularly interested in Appass 1 and 2 extended. Is there some sort of special deal if I purchase both Extended Versions? Thanks

  • Hello and welcome to our user community, Dubaifox!

    I'm afraid that there's currently no special offer for the Appassionata Strings I and II. I also wrote you an email regarding this issue, so please check your email account.

