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  • Do I really need much reverb?

    I had a thought the other day that I needed answered please.

    99% of what I use VSL for is writing my own vocal accompaniment orchestrations.  Therefore, I will be using the track in an "audienced performance hall".

    It dawned on me that maybe I don't really need reverb, or much of it since the sound is going to be getting "natural" reverb from the acoustics of the hall I will sing in.  Does that make sense?

    What do you all think about this?  Seems to me that if I put reverb into the channels/instruments and make it sound good on a CD (when played through a stereo/car/headphones, it may be OVER reverbed when that wet signal gets added with the acoustics of say a true performance stage.  Besides, in a true stage, all the instrumentalists performing are "Dry" and the rooms adding the effect.

    Thoughts, ideas?


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    Hi Maestro 2be

    If you would like to sing with an accompaniment the it's always good to have the same situation for both.

    Take the situation

    Performer = live = dry

    Harpsichord = playalong with some reverb

    The audience will recognize at any time that the accompaniment is from a CD or what ever.

    You are asking for thoughts ideas.

    For live performance accompaniments I suggest not to produce too large orchestras (as playalongs).

    In other words: Choose an orchestra size which is easy to "transport" for the speaker system into the certain hall .

    So a Harpsichord, a flute and a cello have a size what speakers are able to produce natural.

    When it comes to produce a whole orchestra ... To keep the whole system natural, you have to check out

    whether you should use a microphon - compressor etc or not so that you can keep all together in a natural balance.

    For the CD-Situation (recording your voice together with an accompaniment) you need to take reverbs for the orchestra and your voice... of course.

    Listen to performers which have a mix with reverbs you like to have for you as well. Try to copy then these reverbs.

    But also here it can be nice to keep the voice free from to much reverb.

    Further it gives a nice depth between the orchestra and the performer with "not too much reverb for the voice.

    Listen to this example!

    All the best

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
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    @Beat Kaufmann said:

    ...Further it gives a nice depth between the orchestra and the performer with "not too much reverb for the voice.

    Listen to this example!

    By the way: In case of the upper dry - wet example it is not really necessary to use the same reverb for the orchestra and the singer.

    The singer reverb can be a nice plate reverb as well for example -  suited to each other of course.


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Thanks so much for the responses Beat.  I have been tossing this around for a few days.

    I do notice that my orchestrations where all I use is piano and Cello, or 5-6 instruments or less always seem to sound better.  I am going to try to do an accompaniment with just the Wind section (like they used to do in the late 1800's and early 1900's.

    I am reviewing a lot of speakers at the moment and so far the Bose L1 Array speaker is the best.  It is extremely portable and every concert I have ever been to where they used them the sound was huge and even everywhere.  Also, when placed behind me the array fills the whole room but also acts as a monitor to me (and allows me to hear exactly what the audience hears) and it makes it easier to sing with it.  Also when I sing live I have no microphone!  I am singing on a stage and prefer to not use a mic, thus I can't have any reverb to my voice other then what the ambience of the hall provides naturally.

    You really gave some good thoughts.  I also listened to your demos they are fabulous.  I am going to do your tutorials again that I bought to see if I missed anything.  Maybe you could write a tutorial on how to write music for solo accompaniment using VSL.  I'd buy it in a heart Beat (no pun intended on the Beat)!
