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  • DIETZ...cells should be assignable to busses......

    DIETZ...cells should be assignable to busses......since your eq's for matching the vi 14's to the apass violins are so great,

    it would be awesome to be able to have VI14's live in the same preset with apass Violins and be able to route the cells to

    wichever busses we have setup.

    This way even though you have VI14 and Apass Violins in same preset they can still utilize your respective EQ's........i know the other way of achieving this is to have 2 instrumnets on same midi channel (yada yada yada....), which is what I do now, but it IS a pain.....thoughts?


  • Hello SvK,

    we are doing our best to keep things as simple as possible. More options mean more confusion.

    I don´t think that we will incorporate this feature, I´m afraid. I´m sure you understand, especially as there is a very convenient and obvious way to achieve the same result.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hello SvK,

    we are doing our best to keep things as simple as possible. More options mean more confusion.

    I don´t think that we will incorporate this feature, I´m afraid. I´m sure you understand, especially as there is a very convenient and obvious way to achieve the same result.



    Paul, whilst not having any need for SvK's request, I do agree that some extra options for flexibility would really help. I am already running over 120 Instruments, a third of which are only necessary because of the inability to set Velocity xFade on and off on a matrix by matrix basis. I have no problem with the theory that I can run millions of instruments, as long as it doesn't get reflected in my MIDI track count (been there, done that and have no wish to go back). However, each instance of Vienna Ensemble adds to the strain on the ASIO handling, and although a new, even faster machine might help, it is not really the long term solution, IMO.


  • Dear SVK,

    to avoid frustrations: I'm by no means the developer of the Vienna Suite plug-ins. In fact, I'm just an audio-guy who was in the lucky position to give the brilliant people who programmed them a bit feedback and input (... no pun intended ;-) ...). IOW: Apart from questions regarding the Presets I'm not the man to address your suggestions to.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • DIETZ....

    thanx for clarifying ;-)'s allready complicated ;-) (don't mean that in a bad way;-) Setting up an entire orchestra is going to be complicated no matter what ;-)......However I do understand that you don't want to end up like Logic8 ( bloated, 30 ways to do the same thing etc...) so  i kind of wish you'ld reconsider...but I understand....SvK

  • I also have the desire to assign cells to busses (wanted this feature it since day one of VI). IMO this would not make VI more complicated, as you would only use it if you NEEDED it, and leave the default output alone if you didn't. Though Vienna Ensemble made this a little easier to get around, its no where near an elegant solution worthy of VSL.

  • Perhaps, instead preset automation can be added to Vienna Suite. What I mean is that if you have a certain eq/compression, etc... present, on a legato patch, and than you want to play pizzicato, most probably you would like to have different settings. At the moment, you have to duplicate the instrument, and the MIDI channels, and load different articulations in seperate VIs according to the different required processing. If the factory and the user presets can be switched from the DAW, one can still use 1 VI and 1 MIDI channel since presets are being automated while different articulations are being triggered. I beleive that this can only be useful if there won't be any glitches and pops while the presets are being shuffled around.(perhaps in the Vienna Suite settings a crossfade time can be adjusted as desired and therefore the plugin controls can move slowly from a setting to another instead of jumping sharpely).