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  • Offline Learn Mode with VE or VI in Logic Studio?

    Using Logic with VE or VI, my machine cannot run "live" with the mass amount of instrument patches I am using now.  I do have a work around that is completely acceptable to me "Freeze tracks".  However I want to now optimize ram management as well.  When I engage LEARN mode, can I do an offline process (bounce etc.) against the learn mode and then optimize that or do I have to do a live playback?


  • I wouldn't think that you can optimize any file you've bounced. Best way would be to optimize your individual tracks then freeze them if needed. You can then unfreeze and reset where neccessary.


  • Thanks for responding Colin.  What I more specifically meant wasn't tossing a learn mode against my bounced file, but instead turning on learn mode and then bouncing the file.  Instead of hitting LEARN and then play and waiting 15 minutes for my one single instrument to finish playing back so that I can then hit OPTIMIZE, I want to hit LEARN and then hit bounce or some other offline file mode and be able to optimize from that.

    When you hit bounce it's still reading all the notes individually and still sending a midi message to the sampler (VI or VE) so there should be a way to then optimize after that process.  Taking 30 seconds per instrument compared to 5-15 minutes for an entire live playback.  There are other samplers that do this already.  Even though it created an audio file during the bounce/freeze, the important part would be how much faster sample messages are sent to the Vienna Sampler compared to a live playback situation.


  • I should have just done exactly what I said above before posting.  It in fact does work.  i enabled all of my Vienna instrument tracks into LEARN mode.  Bounced the entire project to an audio file, then was able to go to every track and hit optimize.  Now THAT is a massive time saver I am sure others will love also.  Now once we have hit one main LEARN button this will become an extremely fast process!


  • Wasn't certain of what you meant but glad you got it sorted!
