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  • Hi Andi; I just got my VSL key in the mail today. I opened up the quick start guide and it tells me to to install the Syncrosoft License Control Center software. I don't have any software yet. I would like to purchase the C Trumpet download and the Piccolo trumpet download. Will I get all of the information that I need when I do that? I do not have any Vienna Instruments Software or a user manuel. What do I do next? Thanks. Ross

  •  Hi Ross.

    Download the control centre at and download the VI software here under Company /  Software Updates.

    Manual is under the same menu.


  • Hi Ross!

    At the location Colin told you about, you find manuals for Vienna Instruments, Vienna Ensemble, the Vienna Key and for Download Products in general.

    Best wishes,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I am getting a bit frustrated. I think I registered my Vienna Key. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the Syncrosoft License Control Center Software from the site you mentioned. I'm trying to now purchase the C Trumpet download, and after I put in my credit card number, etc..and click "next" I get some messages in German and I don't speak German. Please help. I think this is going to be more difficult than I would like. I'm nervous about getting things up and running with my Sibelius 5 program. Thanks.

  • Hello Ross,

    I've just replied in a personal email - please check your email account!



  • Andi; This has been a very frustrating evening. I purchased the C Trumpet download. I asked a friend who makes his living working on computers to help me get everything installed properly. We did. We've been at it for over 3 hours. We read the manuels and watched the tutorials. We are having trouble getting the trumpet sound to play properly with Sibelius. When it does play it lags behind the other instruments, and it sounds nothing like the C Trumpet demo I heard. The only way to get the trumpet sound was to have 2 active devices in the playback configuration. When we used just the VSL - all we got back was trumpet sounds on all the staves. I want a trumpet, flute, violin, cello sound. Can you please give me a step by step direction? If not - I think I would like to get my money back. This is not what I was expecting. Please help if you can. Question: Is it required for me to have other Vienna Instruments to do a single instrument download (my friend was asking). I told him I didn't think so because of the very first emails I posted. Nobody told me that I couldn't just purchase the C Trumpet single instrument download. Ross

  • Hi Ross!

    Sorry, that you are having difficulties.
    You are not required to buy anything else. You can buy whatever collections you want to have. If you only want the C Trumpet, then this is exactly what you get. But of course you cannot expect the trumpet to play flute, violin or cello sounds. [;)]

    As you noticed you can activate more instruments with Sibelius. So if you want a flute, please activate whatever instruments you might have, to play flute sounds.
    You will understand that I can't give you instruction how to use non VSL sounds. I don't even know what instruments you have.

    About your latency problem. I heard that Sibelius has some problems in the latest version with latecny compensation. This occurs only when mixing VSL sounds with other sounds. If the VSL sounds are late, I recommend doing the following:
    Select your VSL staves (in your case the trumpet) by trippleclicking them. Activate the Sibelius Properties window by Clicking on Windows/Properties. Go to the Playback section. Select Live start position and enter a negative value, so that these staves get played back a bit earlier. You might have to experiment a bit to find the best value.

    Did you create a trumpet matrix with the patches you need for your score as described earlier in this thread? This is required, if you want to hear different articulations and not just one sound.

    Don't get frustrated to quick. I think you are almost there.

    Best wishes and merry christmas,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Andi; No - I am not close. I just got off the phone with Sibelius technical support for over an hour. He told me to email him a screen shot of my playback devices,etc. and then he sent me the following email. "Hi, The setting looks correct, however, go back to Play > Playback Devices and click on the Manual Sound Set tabs. Try changing the Sound Setting Channel 2. If that does work , try 3. Some sound would only play in certain channels. Midi channel has 16 channels (1 through 16, channel 10 is reserved for drum set). Once you have it set, close the window and click on the letter "M" for mixer. Check the device the instrument is using? Best Wishes Walter Sanchez" I just sent him the following... Nothing is working. Each time I try to use the different channels - am I supposed to undo the previous channel that I just tried or do I just leave all the channels as trumpet.brass.trumpet? Then each time it asks me if I want to save the changes I made to Sibelius 16 sound essentials - I've been clicking yes. Is this correct? Then each time I am sure the mixer is the vienna setting. Then each time I go back to score it doesn't work - so I go back into Playback devices and manual sound set and the device reverts back to Kontaktplayer and sound set: Sibelius Essential sounds. Are my settings not working?" Ross Andi; I have never been more frustrated. I'm getting ready to give up (I'm sorry to say). Anything you can help out with would be appreciated. At the moment, I can't even get the C Trumpet to sound. I feel like I'm going around in circles. I'm trying to follow all that is offered. Regarding the matrix's - I don't even know where to begin. I have the C Trumpet matrix and patch document in front of me and I don't even know where to begin. Please remember that I only purchased the single instrument download. Is it different setting up one instrument that the entire collection of Vienna instruments. Ross If this doesn't work - what is the procedure to get my money back? I feel that this should not be so technical. Maybe it's simply my bad luck and it's not meant to be - however - I would really like to be able to make this work. Ross P.S. Is there anyone in Connecticut, USA that is using Sibelius 5 and Vienna. Maybe they can help me? (just a thought)

  • last edited
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    Hi Ross!

    For the trumpet you don't have to set anything in the manual sound sets tab, because you don't use a sound set. If the trumpet plays on one of the Sound Essential channels, go to the Sibelius mixer and set Vienna Ensemble (and if necessary channel 1) as output device.

    Creating your own C Trumpet Sibelius matrix in Vienna Ensemble:
    1) Go to Patch Assign.
    2) Drag the border of the empty matrix, so that you have place for 12 patches horizontally.
    3) Choose the patches you will need in your score and drag them one after the other on the free spaces. (probably staccato, one or two of the sustains, one or two of the Performance Intervalls, ...)
    4) Click Control Edit and set H-Span to Keyswitches starting with C1.
    5) You can now change articulations from Sibelius with MIDI commands as described earlier in this thread.
    6) By saving your Playback Configuration you automatically also save your settings in Vienna Ensemble.

    If you want to return your product, please contact

    Best wishes,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • One more question: I just got off the phone with Sibelius technical support again. Am I supposed to load the Single instrument Vienna download into the Kontact Player within Sibelius? If so - I didn't find that in any of the Vienna information. If so - how do I do that? Thanks. If not - once again - I'm being directed in circles.

  • Hi Andi; I just got your answer as I posted that last post. At the moment - I can't even get the vienna trumpet to play - let alone worry about articulations. Ugh. I'm sorry to be such a pain. Ross

  • Hi Andi- One more - You wrote - "if the trumpet plays on one of the sound essentail channels, etc" No, it doesn't. When I go into Sibelius mixer - vienna ensemble does not seem to be an option. Did I (once againe) skip something? Ross

  • To play Vienna Instruments with Sibelius, you have to activate Vienna Ensemble. It then should be in the list of activated devices.

    You can't play Vienna Instruments with Kontakt.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi - I understand that. The trumpet does not play when I activate Vienna Ensemble into the Active Devices. What is the next step?

  • Load patches as I have written in one of my previous posts.

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I did that last night, but I still am not getting the Vienna C Trumpet sounds to play in my score. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but it seems to me that Sibelius is not recognizing the Viena C Trumpet.

  • When you click on the graphic keyboard in Vienna Ensemble, do you hear trumpet sounds?
    If yes, please open the Sibelius mixer and choose Vienna Ensemble as output device for the trumpet. Also make sure, that it plays on the channel that you set in Vienna Ensemble.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • All is good up to your last sentance. I do hear trumpet sounds in the Vienna Instruments Standalone screen. I did go to sibelius and choose the Vienna ensemble as the output device for the trumpet. How do I make sure that it's playing in the same channel that I set in Vienna Ensemble. I'm not sure I did this part.

  • In the Sibelius mixer channel 1 is the only channel possible. When I click on the "test sound" it is silent.

  • In Vienna Ensemble you have the possibility to set channels for all loaded Vienna Instruments. You can find it on top of every instrument (first MIDI input, then Channel). In your case set the channel to 1 (if it is not already set to 1).

    Vienna Symphonic Library