Wow -- the Vienna Ensemble setup files really help a lot, even though I can't run any but the GM sets on my current machine. This may be the final push for me to upgrade right after Macworld in January/February.
Excellent kits altogether, well-recorded, and highly musical with useful articulations related to jazz drumming styles.
The only criticism is the cymbals, but the brittleness may just be my CPU overloading. At any rate, I'm keeping the BFD Jazz & Funk set because it really does offer a tremendous cymbal collection, better than their main library or other expansions. So I'll probably use it to complement the VSL Jazz Drums in cases where the stock cymbal isn't right for the project. With Jazz & Funk, I have 38 distinct choices (many types and playing styles).
I haven't used these MIDI files yet; just the Vienna Ensemble setup files that came bundled with the library. I also have some MIDI jazz patterns from Twiddly.BITS that I have not yet made use of, so it will be interesting to compare. I tend to grow my own, but for certain styles, stock patterns can speed up work and at least serve as early placeholders while fleshing out the arrangement.