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  • The vibrato on the Strad is very lifelike - it's based on convolution technology rather than adding a synthetic pitch wobble to the samples. I can't see VSL going in that direction at this stage, having spent so much time and effort providing vib, non-vib and progressive vib versions of so many instruments. Also I doubt the Strad technique would work on ensembles, where every player employs a different vibrato.

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    @ct1961 said:

    So I take it you're not too keen on the Strad or the Gof then DG?


    Having played the violin for well over 30 years, I have very strong opinions about string samples.


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    @Conquer said:

    The vibrato on the Strad is very lifelike -

    I think it sound horrible, but as I said above, I have strong views on this sort of thing.

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    Of course realism is why I bought VSL. But the thing is that I don't have vib or non vib (Inever sai I only wanted to add vib, I want also to subtract- even if you're just contrasting, ex:I may want to add just to subtract it on the next passage foor a more ethereal music with no vib,etc) The problem is VSL SE bundle standard I bought has no vib or non vib patches. Thanks! Regards to all!

    Yes it's right, that the SE have no different Patches with Vibrato and Non-Vibrato, so no different namings.

    For the orchestral strings you can try following.

    The orchestral in SE Standard all have no vibrato. But the solo strings have.

    So load the orchestral string patch in the upper cell and the corresponding solo string patch to the lower part of cell. Activate the crossfading between upper and lower part. With the Cell-XF fader you can mix the sound of the two parts. So you're able to mix the vibrato solo string with the non-vibrato orchestra strings.

    If you assign a midi cc to the Cell-XF fader you can smoothly add the solo string with its vibrato to the orchestra strings.

    Maybe you will have to adjust volume and attack time of the solo string with the cell edit feature.

    Hope this helps to achieve a bit more realistic string to your needs. If not, you'll have to buy one of the bigger packages of VSL. 

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    @DG said:

    Having played the violin for well over 30 years, I have very strong opinions about string samples.



    Understood. Your ear should be a little more tuned in than mine in that respect. Still, I enjoy playing it, but it is pretty difficult to get a good [fairly] realistic sound unless you're a decent keys player. 


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    @Conquer said:

    The vibrato on the Strad is very lifelike -

    I think it sound horrible, but as I said above, I have strong views on this sort of thing.

    But if you have very strong strong views: don't you think every sampled, physically modelled or covoluted (or whatever they might invent in the future) instrument sounds more or less horrible (with a wide range of horror or joy of course) or is not as flexible as you wish for. What is indisputable though, is the great playability of those new lines of instruments with not so many samples, but more tweaking. I agree, that it's not soon going to happen with a string section, but also not impossible. One thing is for sure: the VI host was a great step in playability. But still: Wallander Instruments, the Trumpet - not as much Garritan Violin and Cello (the winds seem to be better suited for this kind of thing) - have made the best attempt in this direction. There are way not enough instruments in that quality out there to put an orchestra together, so VSL is still the best choice. But I have strong views on this: If VSL is not trying to integrate that kind of technology into their products, the future will belong to others. Of course I'm pretty sure they already plan on some VI2 with that kind of thing. If not: One vote for it on the wish list for the : )

  • DG, on the question of realism I defer to (and respect) your long experience playing the instrument. But would you not agree that the Strad vibrato sounds more real than LFO pitch modulation? I guess you've experimented with the Strad yourself?

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    @Conquer said:

    The vibrato on the Strad is very lifelike -

    I think it sound horrible, but as I said above, I have strong views on this sort of thing.

    But if you have very strong strong views: don't you think every sampled, physically modelled or covoluted (or whatever they might invent in the future) instrument sounds more or less horrible (with a wide range of horror or joy of course) or is not as flexible as you wish for. What is indisputable though, is the great playability of those new lines of instruments with not so many samples, but more tweaking. I agree, that it's not soon going to happen with a string section, but also not impossible. One thing is for sure: the VI host was a great step in playability. But still: Wallander Instruments, the Trumpet - not as much Garritan Violin and Cello (the winds seem to be better suited for this kind of thing) - have made the best attempt in this direction. There are way not enough instruments in that quality out there to put an orchestra together, so VSL is still the best choice. But I have strong views on this: If VSL is not trying to integrate that kind of technology into their products, the future will belong to others. Of course I'm pretty sure they already plan on some VI2 with that kind of thing. If not: One vote for it on the wish list for the : )

    Of course the more that you know about how an instrument should sound, the more critical you can be. However there are so many things wrong with the Strad; for a start, even if you don't play more than one note, the sound it makes is not pleasant. however, I do think that a lot of the problem is that most of the users don't know what they are doing, and the programmers either haven't taken enough advice, or taken advice from the wrong people.

    I also agree with you that the future will be less about actual samples and more about modelling. However, we are not yet at this stage for most instruments. The trumpet is a great leap forward, IMO, but there are still things that need to be improved. The Violin is a much more complex issue, but in a very different way.

    The other thing to remember is that The Trumpet is incredibly inefficient, so there is no way that we could run a whole orchestra of instruments like this. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with CPU power, it has to do with ASIO performance, which is not yet up to the task.


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    @Conquer said:

    DG, on the question of realism I defer to (and respect) your long experience playing the instrument. But would you not agree that the Strad vibrato sounds more real than LFO pitch modulation? I guess you've experimented with the Strad yourself?

    I don't have the Strad, but from what I've heard, the vibrato is much better than any LFO pitch modulation I've heard.


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    @ct1961 said:

    The Stradavari and Gofriller in Kontakt have very realistic and variable LFO generated vibrato. Would be nice indeed if VSL were to come up with something similar...Colin.

    FWIW- I meant modwheel generated..