Hi folks,
Interesting how this thread changed from "what to buy"/recommandations into a discussion regarding composers and their sound.
I hope we can get back to my original question and that the response will remain the same.. To refresh my original questions:
Ps! Please start another thread if you want to continue the discussion about composers etc:-)@sighaug said:
Its been I while since I took part in this community. After this thread, I bought solo+chamber strings 1 (in autumn 2005). I´m very pleased with the quality, but I feel its time to expand my library. My budget is now 4000€, but I find it a bit confusing knowing what to buy.. Still strings will be in focus on my upcoming projects. I find all articulations inpiring and usefull. Basically I want all strings (all articulations), but with a basic/normal wind/brass library + full percussion. What bundles do you recommend for me? Since I already own solo/chamber 1, is it possible to get a discount on other bundles? Thanks in advance for all your recommendations