Yes, what you are saying is true Tanuj. I would add one other thing, besides emphasizing that no one is using this system universally because no one has had these samples universally until the last few years !!!
you must FEEL dynamic ranges. You cannot program them. You must know in your soul how to create the correct balance. It must become an intuitive process, by becoming more and more familiar with the sounds you have available. You must DREAM of the correct dynamic range and change your mix in the morning.
I have been using VSL for some time, now, but the awe-inspiring potential of this arsenal of sounds has not even been scratched yet. And in order to properly use it, you must incorporate into your intuition as well as your conscious, linear, simplistic numerical thoughts the way each sampled instrument sounds in relation to the other, based on what you have learned of the musical instrument known as the Vienna Symphonic Library. For example, I am only now beginning to realize the significance of the difference between strong, medium and light dynamic articulations in how they can be used for artistic rather than merely realistic purposes. The light and the pfp are especially significant because they are not just for crescendo/diminuendo but are extremely espressivo. I remember Herb noting how he used on the great "Parachutes" demo - which originally sold many, many copies of VSL - the dynamic articulations on brass because the notes on those particular samples sounded like "they were going somewhere." This is a very important point, but one that can never be put into a numerical system that uses a mechanized or formulaic basis for how to control the single most expressively crucial element in musical performance - dynamics and dynamic relationships between instruments.