Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Hmmm ... no strings ...

    Then I have to ask:

    Will there be a possibility for purchasers of the SE Std. DVD version to upgrade to extended just for the strings ?

    Thing is:

    I'd really like to have the Chamber Strings, but I don't need the rest of the extended content of the Special Edition. I guess if I had bought the single SE download-packs I could just upgrade the strings to extended without upgrading the brasses and woodwinds, but I see with the DVD version this is not possible at the moment.

    It would be great, if there'd be a way for dvd-users to do this (but dunno, if it's possible licence-wise).

    Oh, of course there's still the fat chamber strings DVD package ... but I sadly don't have the money for it atm. :( 

  • It would be great to have an audio demo with just the solo instrument.

    I'm interested in your Oboe d'amore, but couldn't find a demo.

  • Michael is right,

    There are some excellent user-generated demos on the site, but I wish there were some more "official" ones.  

    I'm not in the business so I don't know if I'm asking for the impossible, but I think it would be of enormous benefit to have demos of each individual instrument, demonstrating at least a variety of (if not all) the articulations.

    At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I think the East West Quantum Leap site has a much better "demo" fancility than this site (albiet without user-generated material, which is a shame). It's a wasted oppertunity

  • I second that. \

    I want the Chambers strings and also their SE+ upgrade. But like others i've made a wrong turn at some point and buyed the SE dvd wich has to be Extended entirely. I don't care for the other extended instrument (i own a bunch of them thru their big DVD version anyway). I just want the Chambers strings. It feel uncool to buy the downloadable SE strings standars again just to unlock a upgrade path to Chamber strings. I wished a Chamber strings single instruments download would have solve my problem.

    You guys should offer user in my possition (SEstandard DVD owner) a discount of the standard price of a Downloadable SE section (195e in the case of strings) over purchase of a full download SE section (300e for strings). That would be fair to the early SE dvd user wich own it all and may solve any licences problem.  Anyway, since it's only downloaded data stransfer, no material cost, you lose nothing and i'll happily buy it and it SEplus conterpart. Hey more money to you...[<:o)]

    But, being stuck, i'll wait

  • I have very similar "problem" like many others people here. I am owner of SE and SE Plus DVD (standard) colection. I was a little bit sad when i found out that is not possible to download WOODWINDS (extended) SE and SE Plus (extended) separately [:S] included in "Download products> Orchestra". I would like to UPDATE only this one categorie because I m not interested for BRASSES and CHAMBER STRINGS. I hope so taht in future you will offer this choice [:)] .

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    @herb said:

    Dear community,


    all of our wind instruments are now available as single instrument downloads.

    (except Oboe d'Amore, where we have to fix a small license bug)


    Also all new upgrade paths are available now.

    On each individual product site you will find a new menu "Discount details",

    which will display all possible discounts to a certain product.






    I have purchased 3 instruments from the Download area, and all worked as it should. However, tonight I bought, downloaded and installed successfully the Strings Plus for my VI SE. I have all the up to date versions of everything on my Mac Pro, 6 gig RAM, OS X 10.5.4. NOW, neither VI standalone and VE will not run at all. I have to Force Quit every time. I've rebooted 6 times to no avail. Should I delete some VSL preferences? Do I need to Start over download Strings PLUS? I am frustrate by this after giving Vienna what is a lot of money to me. Thanks for any help you can give. Dennis

  • Dammit! You guys are evil. I just had to buy the Fanfare Trumpets because I'm working on a piece that needs them. Buying VSL has never been easier....oyy my poor bank account. But YEAY my awesome sample library!

  • Any downloadable VI string section in a foreseeable future?

    Thank you.

    PS - I mean VI Symphonic, not SE, of course.

  • If I understand correctly, upgradeing has drastically changed. I own SE, SE extended & SE+ (that I upgraded to from Opus I & II and solo strings horizon. I'd like to be able to gradually "upgrade" to the WWI, Brass I, Orch. I, II level, but it seem I'd only get discounts if I buy the respective extended libraries ?? Again assuming I'm not missing something, this doesn't seem very "fair". VSL is, buy virtue of it's modulare struture, a very unique product line. I'm sure it is difficult organizeing upgrade paths but I think something different could and should be done. Is manageing the upgrades buy download not possible due to the amout of data? Or because of agreements with retailers? I could imagine (for example) once you've bought in to the product line (SE, SE+, etc.) having a price "per articulation" and all being handled by download. I'd also like to be able to upgrade my horizon solo strings to the current solo strings. All best..........

  • I started buying VSL products with Vienna SE and from there I went for the PLUS versions on line. Since then, I do see discounts when I log into the store and see what I can buy from the download line. Seeing that I paid for the samples once via Vienna SE, I don't feel jilted like those who started with Opus 1 or 2 or the original library. I'm pretty cool with VSL except for the fact that buying extra instruments is too damned easy and immediate. I'm going to have to start a group called Sample Addicts Anonymous for those of us who just have to buy these cool libraries. Seriously though, downloading is super efficient and I like the fact that all of the files are available to the purchaser once they have registered. This has reduced the space in my vault/safe that is populated with hard copies of my various sample libs (Vienna SE does co-habitate with other libs).

  • It's true that there are nice discounts from the SE/SE+ range into the download line. But if there's no gradual upgrade from there to the "Real line" (WWI, Orch. Str. I, etc.) it's just a dead end. Unless of course you won't ever need more than what the download line offers. At the moment I've not gone for any dowloads thinking that it's wasted money if I later want the top line. Think about it. After buying SE, SE+, and the download, you'd still pay full price for the top line even though you already had half of the material. In that case, you're better off selling you're SE bundle (even for cheap) before buying into the top line.......

  • The discount is applied to the extended version (Level 2) of a respective DVD collection.

  • Hallo,

    Anybody knows if  is there the the soundset of new single instrument for Sibelius?

    Thanks, Luca

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    @herb said:

    At the moment we have no concrete plans and schedules for strings single download instruments.

    First we look how the wind downloads will work and make any plans regarding strings later this year.

    Generally most users need string ensembles with all sections.

    So the SE and SE PLUS string download products are for most users useful as downloadable string products.



    I can understand Vienna's thought process, but as many other have stated here, the Chamber Strings would be my first choice as an instrument download.  I already own both Special Editions.  I honestly dont have plans for downloading any of the wind instruments; HOWEVER, as much ground as the Special Editions cover, there are a few key articulations I see targetted in single instrument downloads that I'd like to have in my chamber strings collection, as the smaller string sections definitely sound appetizing to me (I've already purchased the full Solo String collection).  I am almost torn to throw down and purchase the full chamber string DVD collection, and I WOULD, but I really can't justify spending almost the full price on the standard library when I already own almost all of its articulations with the Special Editions, you know?