Hi guys. Little by little I'm getting everything up and running. It's taking my much longer than most because I'm just really new to this whole digital workstation thing and I'm not great with computers at all yet so I'm figuring things out a little at a time.
I downloaded the updated (july/08) Soundset for Sibelius 5.2. I extracted this soundset and moved the .XML file into the appropriate folder. At first I tried to move it to the c:\program files\Vienna...\Sounds folder and then also tried the user\appsdata\roaming...........\sounds folder as given by both sites and I even tried moving the .XML file to BOTH of those folders and still nothing appears. By appears I mean that when I go to the PLAY tab in Sibelius, and I click on PLAYBACK DEVICES, and the ONLY device listed under active and 'available devices' is the default microsoft gs synth wave table midi. I know my VI standalone opens and works fine and I know my VE standalone opens and works fine but why is it not appearing as available devices in Sibelius 5.2 when I have properly copied the darn updated soundset .XML into the /sounds directory???
Is there anything that should be in the /VST PLUGINS directory in VSL? I just can't seem to figure this out ;\
Someone please help!
Thank you in advance for the help!