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  •  That's great news ! [<:o)]

  • That's great Herb, thanks. But here is a suggestion, it would be even better if we could purchase all the articulations for an individual instrument. I would rather pay more and get all the articulations rather than get a lib that is only partly complete. Also, in the long run it would be much less confusing than trying to upgrade with double articulations, missing articulation, various packages etc.

  •  Tons of thanks for these awesome single inst downloads. I think the full-articulation issue is different for everyone. Personally, i focus on strings and had absolutely no hesitation in deciding to buy the full Orch  & Chambers Strings (std + ext) However for me, i dont mind the fact that i dont have the entire articulations available for the viennese oboe or alto flutes i just bought, because i will most likely just use them very backgroundishly.

    But that is specific for my situation. Whatever VSL decides to do, im happy to get my hands (ears) on such great sounds...

    And speaking of strings, are any going to be offered as single instrument downloads? Are you still working on it, or are the current 47 available instruments all we are going to get as far as Single Inst D/Ls?

    > michael 

  •  I am very eager to the solo violin and orchestra Violins(14 players), I wish VSL adds the full range of articualtions for those packages. I have chamber strings st. and ext., really wonderful.

  • Personally, I think that the downloads are a great idea, if for no reason other than the average instrument price is wha i'd spend a week on smoking, and this way i can save the money and reward myself with a new instrument every week or two!!

    Are both these things true:

    1) They are whole tone samples (which is fine with me)

    2) Each instrument contains all the same articulations as the standard dvd version,  not just most of them...



  • Great news. I too am very interested in the strings department: being able to purchase a download/DVDs of all available articulations for individual instruments (eg solo violin, cello section) would be sensational!

  • BRILLIANT brilliant brilliant idea! This is perfect for those occasions where you really only need 1 instrument out of a collection but don't need to invest in the others that are part of that dvd collection. I'm off to do some shopping! Kerry

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    @Emperor said:

    The most useful solution is to sell the entire single instrument as DVD, this will break up the price and enable customers on budget to gradually build their orchestra. The company will benefit also since the number of customers will increase. Example: Solo Violin Standard 85 Euro, Extended 115 Euro.

    I like this idea best of all actually. Reason: Because so far I can't see any dynamics included in many of the downloads.

    Complete single instrument downloads or better still on DVD (perhaps?) is a good idea.

  • I am excited about the downloads as well. Congrats to VSL! But here's a simple truth: I am delaying buying SE Plus, waiting for the string download articulations and release date. I imagine lots of people are doing the same, so I'd be very happy to know the downloadable strings info, even if they aren't ready yet... 

  • At the moment we have no concrete plans and schedules for strings single download instruments.

    First we look how the wind downloads will work and make any plans regarding strings later this year.

    Generally most users need string ensembles with all sections.

    So the SE and SE PLUS string download products are for most users useful as downloadable string products.



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    @herb said:

    At the moment we have no concrete plans and schedules for strings single download instruments.

    First we look how the wind downloads will work and make any plans regarding strings later this year.

    Generally most users need string ensembles with all sections.

    So the SE and SE PLUS string download products are for most users useful as downloadable string products.




    oooh, darn it! Ok, thanks for the response. I understand what you are saying, cuz how many people would only want to buy violas? As an SE owner, my strategy was to buy the new single instrument downloadable violins, viola, and cellos, and maybe save some money by not buying basses. I was also hoping to maybe get a few extra articulations (beyond what's in SE Plus) like fast legato.

    Ok, what i really want is to be able to download individual articulations. Doing that would probably drive VSL crazy due to the complexity involved, so ok, I'm not gonna complain!

  • Mmm, i was thinking that in addition to buying the SE Strings PLUS (i'm gonna do it later this year) i'd love to have the chamber violins (for divisi) as a download instrument. I hope this can happen in the future, because i don't wanna buy the SE Extended just because of the Chamber Violins.

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    @herb said:

    Generally most users need string ensembles with all sections.

    So the SE and SE PLUS string download products are for most users useful as downloadable string products.

    I think there would be demand for string downloads. I'd get a Chamber strings download, I don't want to get both Strings PLUS standard and extended just because of the Chambers as I'm not currently interested in the solo or orchestral strings. I'd also get Appassionata download if it included legato and preferably also the spiccato performance repetitions. I don't want to get the whole Appassionata Standard DVD just for those either. Breaking the strings into separate downloads for violins, violas, cellos and basses might result in more impulse buys if the price of the whole section gets much higher than the prices of the downloadable winds. Muted strings should be separate downloads.

  •  Herb I havent spotted this elsewhere, are there plans for percussion single downloads?

  • I hope that you will release the string sections seperately. I would like the Chamber Strings from SE Strings Plus, but I already have Appasionata Strings Extended, Orch Strings 1 Extended and Pro Edition Giga so I don't need to buy those strings again. I don't see a discount when I add them to my cart.

  • Hmmm ... no strings ...

    Then I have to ask:

    Will there be a possibility for purchasers of the SE Std. DVD version to upgrade to extended just for the strings ?

    Thing is:

    I'd really like to have the Chamber Strings, but I don't need the rest of the extended content of the Special Edition. I guess if I had bought the single SE download-packs I could just upgrade the strings to extended without upgrading the brasses and woodwinds, but I see with the DVD version this is not possible at the moment.

    It would be great, if there'd be a way for dvd-users to do this (but dunno, if it's possible licence-wise).

    Oh, of course there's still the fat chamber strings DVD package ... but I sadly don't have the money for it atm. :( 

  • It would be great to have an audio demo with just the solo instrument.

    I'm interested in your Oboe d'amore, but couldn't find a demo.

  • Michael is right,

    There are some excellent user-generated demos on the site, but I wish there were some more "official" ones.  

    I'm not in the business so I don't know if I'm asking for the impossible, but I think it would be of enormous benefit to have demos of each individual instrument, demonstrating at least a variety of (if not all) the articulations.

    At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I think the East West Quantum Leap site has a much better "demo" fancility than this site (albiet without user-generated material, which is a shame). It's a wasted oppertunity

  • I second that. \

    I want the Chambers strings and also their SE+ upgrade. But like others i've made a wrong turn at some point and buyed the SE dvd wich has to be Extended entirely. I don't care for the other extended instrument (i own a bunch of them thru their big DVD version anyway). I just want the Chambers strings. It feel uncool to buy the downloadable SE strings standars again just to unlock a upgrade path to Chamber strings. I wished a Chamber strings single instruments download would have solve my problem.

    You guys should offer user in my possition (SEstandard DVD owner) a discount of the standard price of a Downloadable SE section (195e in the case of strings) over purchase of a full download SE section (300e for strings). That would be fair to the early SE dvd user wich own it all and may solve any licences problem.  Anyway, since it's only downloaded data stransfer, no material cost, you lose nothing and i'll happily buy it and it SEplus conterpart. Hey more money to you...[<:o)]

    But, being stuck, i'll wait

  • I have very similar "problem" like many others people here. I am owner of SE and SE Plus DVD (standard) colection. I was a little bit sad when i found out that is not possible to download WOODWINDS (extended) SE and SE Plus (extended) separately [:S] included in "Download products> Orchestra". I would like to UPDATE only this one categorie because I m not interested for BRASSES and CHAMBER STRINGS. I hope so taht in future you will offer this choice [:)] .