Ok. You can send me your Sibelius File. I will have a look at it.
I suppose you used the Special Edition sound set for Sibelius 5.2 from our website.
Vienna Symphonic Library
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Thanks Andi. I replied to the automateed e-mail that I received and attached the file. If there is a different address I shoudl send it to please let me know.
The sound set I am using is (presumably) the one that came with the 5.2 update from Sibelius. If there is someplace else to download it from the VSL web site, please let me know. Thanks!
Sibelius acknowledge there is a problem and said they'd work on a corrected soundset for VSL SE including notifying VSL. I have not seen any further update.
Manually coding around the problem is not practical - the whole benefit of the soundset model is it greatly reduces the need for tinkering in this way. I wasn't getting one or two cases that didn't work but numerous errors.
See the Sibelius thread if you want the contact details in Sibelius.
I have a similar problem re key switching - my specific issue being that half way through a staccato passage it "randomly" reverts to sustain, and in some passges doesn't immediately change to staccato for the first few notes!
I also have the "not always reverting to sustain" issue as above.
Any news would be greatly appreciated
Is the recent soundset update 28/4 for 5.1 / 5.2 supposed to fix this problem because it doesn't?
The Special Edition and Special Edition PLUS sound sets have been updated: http://vsl.co.at/en/68/375/460/295.htm
Most of the problems described come from a SoundID mismatch between what the staff is requesting and what the sound set is sending.
If you have string sections included in your score, proceed as follows:
Open the Sibelius Mixer and set the SoundID (third line) of your string sections to the same name as in Manual Sound Sets (e.g. strings.vioin.ensemble.14 players). Also set the channel numbers.
There is still a bug in Sibelius 5.2 which can not be corrected with a sound set, but hopefully will be in the next Sibelius update.
Here is one more information which I got directly from Sibelius
"Also, there’s a bug in Sibelius that it doesn’t realise articulations have been put in the score and either plays the wrong patch or nothing at all. To force Sibelius to see the articulation changed you have made you need to put in a slur. Weird, but it works. We are looking into better ways of fixing this in due course."
I recommend users with Sibelius 5.1 to stay with this version until the next update.
Btw. We have a new sound set for our Harps online.
fantastic work your doing (with sib guys).
I haven't gotten into using the sound set fully yet but I'm curious how certain things work if your creating a performance entirely from the sibelius score.
For instance string tremelos. In the score this is notated by three tremolo lines through the stem which midi interprets as repeated 32nd notes. How does the sound set convert this to a sustained tremelo patch? or doesn't it?
Can you confirm it is the long term aim to have sound sets for all the orchestral cube libraries? and what's next on the horizon?
Kind regards
Hello David!
You have three possibilities to switch to the tremolo patch:
1. Make 5 tremolo lines instead of three
2. Write trem or tremolo above the note
3. Change your Playback dictionary, so that the tremolo with 3 lines also sends the SoundID change "+tremolo.unmeasured" (see Sibelius manual on how to do that)
If we will make sound sets for all collections of the Symphonic Cube depends on the demand. [;)]