I'm sitting in my little studio and try to improvise a little piece into my sequencer and wonder how you're dealing with the, well, natural tempo changes. I'm working with C4 and know there's the tempo track and some other little helpers. My question: Is there a way C4 (or any other Sequencer - maybe it's time to change it) can create the tempo track based on my free played midi performance? In that performance all the changes are like they should but I also want to have the notes on the right positions in the grid - not fully quantized but around the right positions, of course :-) I found that time warp util in C4 where I can move the beginning of every single bar to the right note and regarding to this C4 creates the events into the tempo track but I hope there's a more faster way to do it. Maybe automatically...?? Is there something??
Thanks for helping on.
My best Stephan