I'm getting pretty good performance in terms of latency using an E-Mu 1010 PCI soundcard, having had endless problems with Firewire cards. So I'm loathe to return to them and consider PCI the fastest option. But I'd like to upgrade my soundcard to something with analogue I/Os. I'm looking at the RME Multiface II PCI which seems excellent but I can't help but notice that the connection between the breakout box and the card itself is a Firewire cable.
Surely this compromises the speed of the PCI card, whose strength is that it is connected directly to the motherboard? If I spend all this money on the upgrade, am I actually going to get any noticeable improvement in latency? The E-Mu is doing just fine, it just gets a bit slow when playing back over many instances of VI at once. If there's not going to be any improvement with the RME, I'll just put up with it and keep my money in my pocket!
Any advice appreciated, thanks!