@DG said:
A networking "tool" that configures the network perfectly fro VE would be fantastic
would be nice to have, but impossible. too many options for too many possible environments.
basically it doesn't matter if its a mac or pc or any other operating system fortunately - ethernet is ethernet is ethernet.
of course you will get some advise or help or recommendation, but in detail it is you or your technician who is responsible for a working environment (as for a working operating system as such)
what will be not supported is a 100 mBit network or a network only using afp or netbeui (the latters should no longer exist) - TCP/IP is mandatory.
either mac and pc have the tools built in to check if a network is healthy and a connection can be established.
what i have not yet checked in detail is network over firewire, but this should be only needed at rare occasions.