Hello everybody,
I am running (well trying to run) VSE on an Intel quadcore machine with 4 megs of RAM, a Creative Soundblaster X-Fi, WinXP SP2, Cubase Studio 4.1.1 Synthogy Ivory, Artist Drums, Halion and Sampletank and very few Softsynths. Even trying to run VSRE alone or just together with Ivory and having prepared just twor or three tracks I experience very severe Problems with VSE. It crashes very often just out of nothing, most critical is loading matrices os presets into a new vienna instance (no matter how many are open). Pretty often the system doesn't even load the trial songs that I am trying to orchestrate and crashes on loading.
Does anybody have a clue how to solve this problem? May this be due to Steinbergs new implementation of VST 3 in Cubase 4.1.1.? I've been looking around for hints in this and Steinbergs Cubase forum but didn't find a clue, yet. The way it is right now it is impossible to work with VSE.
Cheers from Germany