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  • Some of my compositions

    Hello communnity ! I want to share with you some pieces that i've written few time ago. I use VSL since 5 months, and I love it !! I always find new things, new articulations, and possibilities in this library.

    First piece is a epic battle with bill brown reminiscences !

    Second piece is a short excerpt with Elfman inspiration !

    Third piece is based on the A. de Musset's poem "Se voir le plus possible". It's like a short symphonic poem.

    Fourth piece is the story of a person, jailed for a long time, but who is innocent.

    And last piece, in a actual classical style, is....i don't know. I saw the war, and suffering; a city, after an air raid.

    I hope you'll love that pieces !!! Best Regards, and many to vienna conceptors.

  • Powa87,

    Thanks for posting these. I like them very much. That's quite a lot of work and extremely well executed. The third piece is particularly beautiful. Is that one a live recording of your piece?


  • Awesome stuff! I'm very impressed with your range.

    Could you post some info about your setup? (computer(s), ram, signal chain)

    The percussion sound MASSIVE. 

  • Bill Brown?


    Which is you?

  • Hello !

    I've a E6300, 2go Ram, Terratec Phase 22 Sound Card, Cubase SE 3 and a M-Audio midi keyboard.
    Nothing very special i think.
    Sure, the Vienna sound is awesome, but i made lot of settings in EQ, REVERB (convolution and cubase generic) on group tracks. I've one group track for each instruments stand. After all, mix is very important...
    It's all about my configuration, i've not a recording studio :p

    Mahlon, Musset is Vienna, not real !! Hi hi !

    For William, i'm twenty years old, and i'm starting in the film music. For myself, i need to write some compositions in style of "..." . I can learn easier some things.
    I hope you loved the other compositions, in my style ! ;-)

    Thank to all comments !

  • Yes, the Musset is very nice, both musically and sonically.

    By the way, which libraries are you using? 

  • I'm using :
    -Appasionata Strings (extended)
    -Woodwinds 1 + 2
    -Brass 1
    -Percussion (extended)


  • These are interesting pieces!  Good luck on your music.

  • Powa87, your music is very good: good orchestrations and good use of the library... Where do you study music composition? Happy new year!

  • Thank you very much :-)

    I've studied orchestration during three years with the composer : Patrice Sciortino. When I was younger I studied harmony and counterpoint in the Conservatory in Nice (France) during five years, and had the prize.

    Happy new year to you !!