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  • SE sound quality


    After listening to SE demos I noticed that they sound less Hi-Fi then the demos of the Cube. To me it sounds like the instruments have less definition and separation when played in ensamble. I understand that I'm hearing a lot more samples on the Cube demos and that SE is not chromatically sampled but besides that is there any other aspect that can effect the sound quality and make it sound differently from the Cube version?

    Is SE programed in 24bit?

    Thank you,


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    @sasha said:

    ...SE demos I noticed that they sound less Hi-Fi then the demos of the Cube.

    ...less definition and separation when played in ensamble.

    ...a lot more samples on the Cube demos 

    ...SE is not chromatically sampled there any other aspect that can effect the sound quality and make it sound differently from the Cube version?

    ...Is SE programed in 24bit?



    Hi Sasha

    .. SE demos I noticed that they sound less Hi-Fi then the demos of the Cube.

    Keep in mind that demo producers always make their individual mixes with each demo.

    So if you feel that SE demos sound less HiFi it is probably pure coincidence. 

    ...less definition and separation when played in ensamble.

    If you are able to recognize that the samples are not chromatically installed - yes.  

    ...a lot more samples on the Cube demos

    better: ... a lot more articulations.

    ...SE is not chromatically sampled

    Yes, that's true but I'm not quite sure whether they are streched for two halfe tones or more. 

    > Christian? Dietz?, Herb? there any other aspect that can effect the sound quality and make it sound differently from the Cube version?

    No, same VI-machine, same samples >> 

    ...Is SE programed in 24bit?

    >>same resolution: 24 Bit 


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Hi,

    the Special Edition is mapped in whole tone steps [:)]

    Thanks for chiming in with these answers, Beat!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Lieber Paul

    Da antwortet doch genau jener, den ich nicht aufzählte - [:$]

    By the way:

    Packe die Gelegenheit und 

    wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie alles Gute für das kommende Jahr!

    Und wieder einmal: Vielen Dank für Deine/Eure Arbeit for us, the Sample-Community 



    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • ...the SE also usually have less velocity layers (not a big deal tho, you get still a very good value for the price). So the dynamics of the Cube programs could be programmed in more detail, as well as the already mentioned variety in articulations and other features like more reptitions and such.

    Which demos were you comparing?

    All the best,


  • Thanks for your replyes.

    So, it must be my perception due to limited layers/articulations and whole step mapping and probably MP3 compression. >>Which demos were you comparing? I was comparing the sound to my Appassionata and Solo strings, which is not fare. 

    So, theoretically if one played a single sample of an instrument from the Cube with exact same sample from the SE they should sound sonically identical, am I corect?

    Great thing I noticed about Vienna samples is that  the instruments don't loose their definition and energy when mixed together and I hope that SE has the same quality.

    Thank you,


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    Yes, they should sound the same. SE is sharing the same sample pool as Cube samples, it's just a selection of essentials taken from the Cube counterparts for SE and a more complete, more detailed set of samples for the Cube. Replaying the same MIDI file from a composition done with SE would maybe only roughly sound the same due to differences in programming of the libs.

    @sasha said:

    I was comparing the sound to my Appassionata and Solo strings, which is not fare.

    Comparing ... (what?) to Appassionata and Solo Strings?

    Hope this helps,
