@JBacal said:
Thanks musos, Beat, julian, jbm, Guy, mplaster, Christof and Paul for listening and posting your reactions.
julian-- I think the Beethoven took me roughly 7 long days.
Thanks for the info Jay. This does rather raise a catch 22 situation. Your rendition of the Beethoven is of such a high standard, along with the VSL library used to create it that it would be perfectly usable in a large number of professional situations. However, and here's the rub, if you value your time and skills realistically, 7 long days would surely equate to the session fees for a suitably skilled string quartet and the recording equipment (studio fee) required to create a real performance.
...Which is a good thing and a bad thing - good in that it still protects the ability of real musicians to earn a livelyhood and bad in that despite the great advances in the VI software it takes someone of Jay's skill to extract the absolute best and then at a time penalty that probably makes it uneconomical at the professional level.
Still congratulations Jay, receiving the plaudits from fellow users is at least recognition of your skill and time spent!