The demos I have heard for the overdrive pack are fantastic. True they are wonderful but not very flexible as far as tone is concerned. In this day in age with some many products like amplitube2 from ik multimedia and guitar rig 3 from native instruments it would be wonterful to have the guitar tracks recorded with no amp at all. Just a flat signal path. That way we can choose what tone we are after. You could have a group of different guitars and pick up configurations not to mention play the different articulations that you already did in overdrive.
It is all about flexibility in my opinion.. Just a suggestion.
suggestion for guitar program
hahaha yeah silent guitar just like air guitar . No but to be able to program your parts THEN pick your amp and effects with a program like amplitube2 instead of the sample being pre effected already. That would rule. When recording the samples have just straight line signal from the different guitars. Plug straight into the interface or console. After everything is programed you pick the amp tone you want. This would make it much more usable. At least for me. Most guitar tones I use sound nothing like the one that is on the overdrive samples. Not to say they are bad. Just saying that tone doesn't fit every style.