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    Hi Mazeka,

    the Appassionata Strings I&II are 2 seperate products. Each with a Standard Library and an Extended Library.

    You decide what you get, but you will not get any Extended Library for free if you license "just" these 2 products.

    Of course everything looks different if you take advantage of the Strings Bundle Holiday offer.

    You will get 1 Extended Library of your choice fore free (of course you need the corresponding Standard Library first).



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • TEAM VIENNA. HERB...... thanx sooo much ;-) Sordino Apass wooohooooooooooo thanx! SvK

  • Also very glad to hear about the A2 collection and will get them as well. I would like to add my vote for more short articulations for A1 since it sounds so great and indeed is difficult to integrate with Orch I strings. Since the Altiverb and EQ settings have to be different for the two you can't have everything loaded in one instance. In any case congratulations on A2 which will no doubt be just as great as AI.

  • That's a very nice sound on those App Strings II Herb and Gents. You are definitely cracking the strings code now. More articulations will almost certainly be welcome as time goes by and the so-called Hollywood sound gets ever nearer. :)

  •  Thanks paul for the help.

    So When I by App strings II satnadard I get the exstended for free..... ok.

    Do you mean if I get lets say Chambers strings stand I get the extended for free.....? or this just applies to App 

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    I´m afraid that this is a misunderstanding.

    Here is a link to the Special Holiday Offer, that will make things clearer.

    Best regards,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I see that App II is now shipping. Please don't arrive before Christmas; I've closed the studios for the rest of this year, and I don't want the temptation to install and play with them until 2008. [;)]


  • I would love to hear some more stuff done with this set... both official or unofficial demos will do ;)

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    @DG said:

    I see that App II is now shipping. Please don't arrive before Christmas; I've closed the studios for the rest of this year, and I don't want the temptation to install and play with them until 2008.



    Whaaaa! I still have a week to go before any of that happens. You lucky man Daryl! ;)

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    @DG said:

    I see that App II is now shipping. Please don't arrive before Christmas; I've closed the studios for the rest of this year, and I don't want the temptation to install and play with them until 2008.


    Whaaaa! I still have a week to go before any of that happens. You lucky man Daryl! ;)

    Nah, I'm just lazy. Plus a couple of lucrative ads earlier this year. [;)]


  • It's funny because I'm just orching a con sordino cue that's going to orchestra in February and I suppose I'm really looking forward to getting these two App string libraries. I have a colleague and friend who is doing a film right now and another one shortly after that has App strings I and tells me they're great in the right context but can be sometimes too big????!??

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    @PaulR said:

    It's funny because I'm just orching a con sordino cue that's going to orchestra in February and I suppose I'm really looking forward to getting these two App string libraries. I have a colleague and friend who is doing a film right now and another one shortly after that has App strings I and tells me they're great in the right context but can be sometimes too big????!??

    Yes, with App I, I tend to layer a lot, otherwise it sounds too thick. Also, it stops everyone changing bow at the same time; never gonna happen peeps....!


  • I'm with Daryl on this one.   On this current film I have found a winning combination of solo strings and A1.   The trick is the right mix (never a hard rule - ALWAYS cue dependent.)  Pretty basic though -  the more 'intimate' it needs to be -  the higher the solo string(s) are in the mix. 

    Should have my A2 in the morning - really looking forward to using these on THIS project.


  • I've also become even lazier with programming. I have a template in VE with App, Orch, Chamber and Solo for each instrument in the string section. All 4 elements are routed from the same MIDI track. Each has its own VST output. I automate the balance between the elements from this. I also have different portamentos set to different controllers so that I can have all, some or none in legato passages. My choice.


  • I agree that is a good idea on the layering of solo vn with App vns.  They are both molto espressivo sounding and reinforce each other beautifully. This would NOT happen if you layered Orch Violins, which would tend to "even out" the sound and make it less espress.   However I do not route one track to multiple destinations, because it is very good to mess up the timing. That adds immensely to the realism and oddly the feeling of espressivo.  Though I can understand how you would want to play them all from one track on a hurried job.

  • BTW, I wish there was a "Resources" folder for App strings with single layer instruments.  Those are very useful  for creating custom layers and crossfades that have very different timbres and are extremely CPU-friendly.  Also a fringe benefit is you can use mod wheel to control two cells like in velocity crossfade, but still have attack velocity for instant tweaking of the levels.

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    @William said:

    I agree that is a good idea on the layering of solo vn with App vns.  They are both molto espressivo sounding and reinforce each other beautifully. This would NOT happen if you layered Orch Violins, which would tend to "even out" the sound and make it less espress.   However I do not route one track to multiple destinations, because it is very good to mess up the timing. That adds immensely to the realism and oddly the feeling of espressivo.  Though I can understand how you would want to play them all from one track on a hurried job.

    Layering of Orch can work wonders to stop notes sticking out. too much vibrato gets to sound nauseating when done to excess.

    If something has to stay in the sample domain then I would play everything multiple times, and not even use copy/paste.


  • App Stgs II has now arrived. To install or not?


  • Can't resist any longer. [:)]


  • Mine will be here in about 2 hours.   2 hours and 5 mins I will be using them on this project.   Daryl - open that studio back up and install them!!!!!!!!   Let's us know you 'first impressions'  - I can't wait for 2 hours[:$]
