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  • Still no midi learn in VE

    Hei, downloaded and installed the new update, and was a bit disappointed when the midi learn "bug" still existed. Also when assigning a controller f ex in the v-span matrix (right side under control edit) the drop down list is expanded over the whole screen. And on a 30" that means you must move your mouse a long way.. In the VI surface this menu is minimized to the surface of the interface. Also, here midi learn works. Is it hard to fix this M Learn bug, since its taking so long time ? Its an awkward process to manually assign every controller in a large set up, so I hope it will be fixed in the next revision. Apart from that, thank you for a great instrument/library. regards svein

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    @sveinolav_30348 said:

    Its an awkward process to manually assign every controller in a large set up, so I hope it will be fixed in the next revision. Apart from that, thank you for a great instrument/library. regards svein

    I'm not sure what the problem is. Please can you elaborate, as once I've set up the controllers for one VI, I save a startup file and then it becomes the default for all others.


  • The problem is not in VI its in VE. You cant assign midi learn under OSX (intel mac Cubase 4.1 / Nuendo 4.1) According to my last thread on this, Paul confirmed the problem, and it was scheduled to be fixed. regards svein

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    @sveinolav_30348 said:

    The problem is not in VI its in VE. You cant assign midi learn under OSX (intel mac Cubase 4.1 / Nuendo 4.1) According to my last thread on this, Paul confirmed the problem, and it was scheduled to be fixed. regards svein

    No, I understand that, but why not set up the controllers in VI, save a startup file (make sure it is in the correct Custom data folder) and then all your VI instruments in VE will have the same controllers loaded by default.


  •  Hello Sveinolav,

    the bug you reported (thanks!) will be fixed, but didn´t make it in this update, sorry. Our priority had to be on other more essential issues like opening 2 Vienna Ensembles at a time - as soon as this was done, we didn´t want to let you wait for this important update. I´m sure you understand. 

    For now my workaround would be to get a 2-click mouse, it works perfectly fine. Or follow Dg´s suggestion....



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Dg and Paul, I use the save Def setup solution for now, thank you for your quick replies and have a splendid afternoon. best svein

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    @DG said:

    I'm not sure what the problem is. Please can you elaborate, as once I've set up the controllers for one VI, I save a startup file and then it becomes the default for all others.



    Could you explain  - - for those of us who don't yet know to create and save a startup file for one VI so that it becomes the default for other VI instances - - exactly how one does this? Am I correct in assuming it is possible in the OSX version as well as the Windows version?



  • Basically you save a Preset in VI, and call it startup

    Mine has all the controllers already set, so that all I have to do is drop matrices into the appropriate slots.


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    @Herb said:

    For each VI instance all controllers have to be set up individually.

    That's useful if you want to use different controllers for different instruments (percussion versus string instruments for example)

    I would recomment to generate an empty preset with a setup of all your controllers.

    If you open a new VI instance load first this empty preset an than add  patches or matrices.


    Thanks for a clear description of this procedure.
