William, why do you rate 'Somewhere in Time' as Barry's best? Having just listened to it again, I'd rate his '007', 'Out of Africa' and 'We have all the time in the world' as better. This isn't a criticism, by the way; I'm interested to find out what you're listening for in his music. Personally, I'm a texture and complexity fiend; I like it when the composer can include interesting countermelodies, cross-rhythms and other stuff going on under a good tune, but getting the balance right between surface and support is critical. I think that's what makes things like 'Magnificent Seven' work so well.
I'm also a sucker for good use of strings, which is why I think every composer ought to be able to explain just what's going on in the opening 40 bars or so of Tchaikovsky's 'Serenade for Strings' -- it's an object lesson in compelling string writing.
Meanwhile, let me throw in 'Let the River Run' from 'Working Girl', which I think is just a fantastic tune; I said to my wife recently, while we listened to it in the car, that if I could write a song half as good, I'd be happy.