Thanks for your post. We need more people to mention this problem if they are having it.
I can't get any answers from VSL, although cm has tried to offer advice for which I am grateful.
VSL seem not to be able to reproduce it this problem. The one time they experienced it it was traced to a corrupt solo strings folder.
I have reinstalled winxp64. Then deleted my VSL content which is spread across 3 drives and reinstalled
all my 14 volumes.
With each volume install I checked the Directory Manager and each time I lost a little more memory.
Exactly as you describe. With some volumes losing much more RAM then others.
Can all of my discs be corrupt? They are all new and I ran chk dsk on every drive before installing the volumes.
Did not find even a single error.
Can all the VSL discs be corrupt? I store them in a dark, cool place and have only installed them once before.
Plus I have bought Bosendorfer, App Strings, and Elements besides the cube and they exhibit the same problem.
Last night I ran PerfMon, thanks to cm for informing me of it. Its quit a handy tool but it just showed me
that my RAM was being used not where it went.
I'll keep trying new things and hope something works. As it is I'm losing around 800mb of my 8gb of RAM.