Why not just sell individual articulation packages?
It's not our intention to offer an a-la-card system, it's our intention to offer a payment of installment system, for all users who can't affort an whole product at once. No plans for individual packages, because the logistic of registration and licences for each package individually is too complicated, because there are too many packages. Also all packages of the same instruments needs a correct order, for example the matrixfiles included in package B03 need package B01 and B02. And some more issues.
Is somebody really going to buy one component a month for nearly five years?!?!?!
I don't see the problem.
You can buy all at once if you like,
or subscribe one, three or five packages per month,
change between these subscriptions whenever you want,
or add any extra amount of packages to your subscriptions.
Enough options I think.