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  • Do you really believe it was not tested in Logic?

  • No I meant that maybe it was not tested enough with Logic 8 and OS 10.5 

    But maybe all these problems appear only with my system configuration?

    I don't know, anyway as I said, I am not angry or upset, I am just wondering how to get this obviously very interesting software to work.

    Any help would be great!


  • Christof, part of what makes VE unusable for you is your choice of OS and sequencer. Both Logic 8 and 1..5 are very new, so it is a bit hopeful to expect that VSL to have done extensive testing with such a new combination. I think that the fact that they are bringing out so many updates is a credit to the team, and you should just be patient.

    Having said that, I think that most sequencer plugs do not work in 3rd party applications, or at least that's what seems the norm to me.

    I would not normally reply to this kind of post, but the thread title is so misleading that I thought that it would be very unfair not to. May I respectfully suggest that you amend the title, so that users know that your problem doesn't necessarily affect the vast majority of users.

    Obviously you can choose to ignore me, and that wouldn't be the first time that this has happened during my 95 years on this planet. [;)]


  • OK, obviously I did not use the right expression as english is not my mother language.

    I just wanted to say that I can't use VE at the moment because it makes no sense for me with my setup.

    Actually I wanted to ask for some help, but my words may have been a bit too rough maybe because my system wont work properly with VE. 

    I didn't want to sound arrogant or something, the last thing I would do is criticise the VSL team, they do a wonderful job.

    So dear people, dont take me wrong, dear DG, I won't ignore you and I apologize for the misleading title of my thread!

    I am a newbie and have not so much experience how to behave in a forum.



  • Hey Christof - these things take an absolute age to work out. It's always been the same when something new is created in the software department and then a new OS system comes out and an update and so on and ad infinitum. This will work through the system in time - as a sidebar I am a total coward when it comes to this stuff and generally wait several months for the computer pioneers to work it all out for me. :()()()()()()()

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    @DG said:

    Having said that, I think that most sequencer plugs do not work in 3rd party applications, or at least that's what seems the norm to me.

    I can second this; the motley collection of plugins with Cubase SX3 won't load in VE, with error messages along the lines of "Only works in Cubase".   Others (such as BlueCatAudio plugins) do load fine, although they're generally not very useful (being things like spectrum analyzers).

    In general, though, I'm quite happy to let Cubase handle all the plugins, because that lets me set up group channels and things, so that I can do all my violin EQing in one place, for example. 

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    @Christof Unterberger said:

    OK, obviously I did not use the right expression as english is not my mother language.

    I just wanted to say that I can't use VE at the moment because it makes no sense for me with my setup.

    Actually I wanted to ask for some help, but my words may have been a bit too rough maybe because my system wont work properly with VE. 

    I didn't want to sound arrogant or something, the last thing I would do is criticise the VSL team, they do a wonderful job.

    So dear people, dont take me wrong, dear DG, I won't ignore you and I apologize for the misleading title of my thread!

    I am a newbie and have not so much experience how to behave in a forum.



    I know that you're new here, so I just wanted to put you in the picture with the way things work with the VSL team. No need for an apology; some other sample developers deserve every harsh word that exists in the English language, and then some. Just not VSL.

    Anyway, not that it's my place to do it, but welcome to the forum. You'll find many helpful people here, and whilst I can bark from time to time, it is mostly in a desire to be helpful. [:D]


  • " ....generally wait several months for the computer pioneers to work it all out for me."

    It's a good call right now. We're on three bleeding edges: Logic 8, Leopard, and Vienna Ensemble (and a beta at that). If users put a premium on music-making, or if they face a deadline of any kind, they might sit out a VE dance or two.

    For me, VE intermittently crashes a Logic file. I've learned I have to open Logic, run the AU manager (in spite of the fact that I had previously validated VE, and it still reports as "successfully validated"). Auval will grind to a halt. I must shutdown VE. Then VE spontaneously opens again and auval completes its validation. So easy to type and summarize, notwithstanding the hours of re-boots, Cocktail cron scripts, and other unsuccessful ploys.

    Then there's the reliably unhelpful Activity Monitor, which cries "Not Responding" as cryptically as a baby. Did it crash? Is it loading? Does it want applesauce instead of peas? Waah! Not responding! It's as welcome a prompt as "Show Window," but even less informative.

    By the way, for those of us with under-powered computers, the measureless potential of Vienna Ensemble will only goad your Mac into a CPU overload. Because what VE does best is compound sound, and that's just what an under-powered computer hates most of all.

    (Note that my issues have been with the AU plug-in only.)

  • Hello,

    Same problems here with VE plug-in and Logic 7.2.3 and Mac OS X.4.10.

    It is not only a Logic 8, OSX 5 problem.

    Stand-alone runs fine.



  • Same for me, I dropped the VE and run the VI instead, now quite a few crash… Nothing is always simple, in music computer, we end up spending more hours maintaining and checking the good mood of the computer creating some new music. [On a mac Pro, 9 Go ram, OS 10.4.10 and Logic 8]

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    @DG said:

    I know that you're new here, so I just wanted to put you in the picture with the way things work with the VSL team. No need for an apology; some other sample developers deserve every harsh word that exists in the English language, and then some. Just not VSL.

    Anyway, not that it's my place to do it, but welcome to the forum. You'll find many helpful people here, and whilst I can bark from time to time, it is mostly in a desire to be helpful.

    Blimey it's almost nauseating[+o(] - have you become a grandfather again or something DG?[6]

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    @DG said:

    I know that you're new here, so I just wanted to put you in the picture with the way things work with the VSL team. No need for an apology; some other sample developers deserve every harsh word that exists in the English language, and then some. Just not VSL.

    Anyway, not that it's my place to do it, but welcome to the forum. You'll find many helpful people here, and whilst I can bark from time to time, it is mostly in a desire to be helpful.

    Blimey it's almost nauseating - have you become a grandfather again or something DG?

    No, I just don't waste my charm on talentless hacks like you.[;)] DG