........please help....
Hi Anton,
sorry for the late reply!
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problems with AU validation in Logic 7.2.3 here...
Please try to reboot your computer, launch VE standalone first, quit it and then start your previously saved Logic Arrangement.
Does that make a difference?
Best, Marnix
I've tryed. Nothing change.
Here is the complete History :
So, i have installed VE on one of the my computers ( PPC G52.3 dual 8 gb ram 10.4.10 Logic 7.2.3)
I've installed the latest VE available on the web.
At first Logic launch VE wont be validate from L.A.U.
So i force quit VE during validation and validation pass .
Open Logic load VE and configure , play : all good.
Close Logic - restart - open the VE song = all good.
Shutdown computer- start Logic Load VE song = VE is not connected- force connection - Nothing.
Quit Logic - Start Logic-open song =just VE appear and Logic is not working.
Computer is perfectly tuned and work very well.
I have reinstalled VE some times = also beta version.
I have trashed preferences and tryed all i can.
Result = here VE is not working.