OK - you grabbed my attention with one of your tracks - A Demon Appears I think you call it. That is very, very good. I listen to all this on an iMac's internal speakers - so that must be a good sound. The only small nit-pick is the final dischord - maybe it could have been slightly better. But the build up at the beginning is worthy stuff. I'm trying to place your accent - Staffs?Yorks???
Doing is the only real way forward with anything in life. You can read all the books and study theory forever....but unless you actually do it, you learn very little. No...accents are a hobby of mine so don't feel threatened. Whereabouts are you from? Staffs?Derbyshire?Yorks?@hetoreyn said:
Awww .. well I thought it was alright. Funny thing is that in doing all this music I'm learning a huge amount. So I hope that as I got along I'll get better at these things. If you do find out what my accent is do let me know .. I have always wondered myself :P
Sangit - I couldn't really resist .. I've had no time recently to do the podcast, and with Mac OS's Time machine app .. and watching tonnes of Dr. Who recently, it just sort of happened. I have the BBC Radiophonics Workshop CD .. with all the sound FX from the series. E-mail me and perhaps I can help you locate the samples. hetoreyn@yahoo.co.uk ......... My dad even made me a tardis console when I was young .. only half on of one .. but that was enough :D
My accent is a combination .. I'm a british forces Brat which means I've moved around a lot and lived everywhere. Last place i lived .. part from Germany and Netherland was in Bristol .. before that was North Wales .. before that was Lincolnshire ... and so on. Born in London though .. only lived there for 6 months though.
Blast!!!!!!! I was going to say Lincolnshire. I knew it was a combination accent and guessed you must be British Forces etc. Very difficult to pin that accent down and for many moons now it's been worrying me. But it's basically Midland/Northern. Not getting it right has now laid me very low. :((((@hetoreyn said:
My accent is a combination .. I'm a british forces Brat which means I've moved around a lot and lived everywhere. Last place i lived .. part from Germany and Netherland was in Bristol .. before that was North Wales .. before that was Lincolnshire ... and so on. Born in London though .. only lived there for 6 months though.
Awww .. sorry to see that you've suffered out of this. 😄 I did spend a while in Lincolnshire so yeah .. I have a slight midlands touch.@PaulR said:
Blast!!!!!!! I was going to say Lincolnshire. I knew it was a combination accent and guessed you must be British Forces etc. Very difficult to pin that accent down and for many moons now it's been worrying me. But it's basically Midland/Northern. Not getting it right has now laid me very low. :((((