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  • Quick VE questions

    Hi, I have two quick questions

    1) By putting a VE inside off my DAW does it use up the RAM allocation for my DAW? So I really need to use VE as a stand alone to get it to access more RAM?

    2) If I open a standalone VE on my computer, how do I get the MIDI to it and the audio back in to my DAW? I am using Logic.

    I really would apprerciate any advice. VE looks really cool!!!

  • Can anyone help? I would really appreciate it!

  • Hi Simsy,

    thanks for the hint with Logic, that lets me assume that you are working on a Mac!

    The Vienna Ensemble adresses seperate RAM as a seperate apllication, also when used as a plugin [:)]

    Why would you like to open the Standalone Vienna Ensemble if you can use it much more comfortably as a plugin?



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi

    So let me see if I understand you. I can open VE's inside of Logic and I am not limited by the 3GB per application, each VE can access it own RAM? So if I have say 4 VE's one each for strings, brass, percussion and Woodwind each can access 2.8GB plus leave the 3GB free inside of Logic for other plugins? If so thats great!!!

    If not, then I want to use the VE outside of Logic to access the extra Ram and so therefore want to know how to get the MIDI out of Logic into my VE and the audio out of VE into logic so I can bounce and mix?

    I really appreciate the help given on this site, it is really the best I have ever experienced!

  • Hi Simsy,

    I was afraid that I didn´t communicate that clear enough [:$]

    The 3 GB is an OS limitation. Each application can handle up to 3 GB. No matter how many Vienna Ensemble plugins you open, it is still handled by one application ( represented by the Vienna Ensemble Service application).

    If you are working with Vienna Ensemble standalone, each Vienna Ensemble is a seperate application (which is very cool on a dedicated Mac) and can be adressed on different MIDI Ports with each 16 MIDI channels. 

    I´m not a Logic expert (yet), but I don´t think that there is a comfortable way to integrate a standalone Vienna Ensemble with Logic on 1 machine (my colleagues will correct me if I´m wrong [:)]).



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Paul,

    I haven't tried it yet. But wouldn't you just have to create an IAC (inter-application connection) within audioMIDI setup, go to Clicks & Ports in the environment within Logic and do the cabling - and that would create the MIDI connection you would need.

    Then you could assign the outputs of VE to your audio interface & loop it back into the inputs. Or use software loopback if you have the right RME interface.

    You could additionally use 16 mono channels within the Soundflower application to return back to Logic. Soundflower also uses the IAC to get MIDI to it.

    I'm sure there are many variations on the theme.

    Like I say, I haven't tried it yet. So I don't know all the ins & outs of it (pun intended). But I bet somebody out there has.

    A defacto VSL tutorial on it would be helpful. I have to believe that it was tried before release.

  • Yes, Jack? [:D] 

    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • please see edited reply above - trigger finger got the best of me.

  • Hi Jack,

    we try to keep things as simple as possible, especially with a beta version. 

    The problem with tutorials is that there are so many possible combinations - that are updated regularily.

    So an "old" tutorial would confuse new users even more. Once you get a grip on your host software, you probably don´t need tutorials anymore...

    But of course we´ll do our best to provide you with further infos!



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Me be DP and PT user here.  But couldn't you use Rewire to get the audio from SE back into Logic?  Is SE Rewire capable yet?


  • peter, i don't get what you are referring to by *SE*, but in case you mean VE (Vienna Ensemble) - it can't be connected using ReWire


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • OOPS - yes, of course I meant Vienna Ensemble!  Come to think of it, maybe I'll launch a competing product, dedicated to simulating opera - "Sienna Ensemble."

    OK, now that THAT'S out of the way - do we know if ReWire capability is on the list for the future?

    Can't wait to try VE - today's the day. 


  • i personally am not the biggest fan of ReWire ... maybe just some bad experience with early GS3 builds ....


    because i'm not really up to date: is ReWire fully supported in logic 8 / PT 7.x and DP and if which load do you notice? ... i've always been under the impression it is somehow related to hosts by steinberg ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • last edited
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    @cm said:

    i personally am not the biggest fan of ReWire ... maybe just some bad experience with early GS3 builds ....

    because i'm not really up to date: is ReWire fully supported in logic 8 / PT 7.x and DP and if which load do you notice? ... i've always been under the impression it is somehow related to hosts by steinberg ...


    For up to date information, you need to check [URL=]here.[/URL] There will no doubt be an update when the VST3 SDK is released.


  • Not a ReWire expert.  Wish I could be, but since most of my work has been in DP in DAE mode, don't get to use it as much as I'd like (since DP doesn't support ReWire in DAE mode).  HOWEVER, when I've tried it in MOTU mode, it works fine, at least for the very limited use we're discussing here - getting audio into DP (or any host sequencing program) from another program.  It would be a straightforward way to solve the problem discussed earlier in this thread - getting the audio from a VE standalone into Logic.


  • Hi

    So I got it working, I created an aggregate device with my MOTU interface and soundflower 16 channel. Then I turn IAC on and created 4 ports each called strings, percussion, woodwind and brass. Then I opened 4 VE's and set their ports to each of these and set their master outs to different stereo tracks in sound flower.

    Then in logic I set my audio device to the aggregate device, created 4 aux tracks and set their input to each of the strings, brass, perccusion, woodwind. And then created midi tracks that used each of the IAC ports for strings etc.

    This means I have Logic running with Midi channels and 4 Auxs to mix each section and I have 4 VE's running one for each section and each can access 2.8GB of RAM with no ram being taken away from Logic. It runs great!!

    I am as happy as a pig in mud!