hi folks... okay, let me start of by saying i am a complete idiot. i dont claim to know the first thing about orchestration or all that technical stuff. im jsut a songwriter and electronic musician who knows what he likes when he hears it...
that being said, i have a question about usage of the VI Orchestral Strings.
Okay, heres what im concerned about:
so, lets use the Orch Strings II Cello for example. it is my understanding that this is a GROUP of celli (8 cellists, according to the info ive read). So, when i play ONE single note, it is, i assume, 8 cellists playing that same note, in unison, correct? Assuming i am correct, then my question is this: when i play, say, a four-note chord, then does that mean that the sound of the samples i am hearing is then, technically, of 32 (8 times the four notes) strings being played? Obviously, if this were the case, then that would be not realistic, in the real-world orchestra sense. Or does VI somehow calculate the notes being played and "subtract" the number of notes from the available number of virtual cellists, thus resulting in a total number of strings being played never exceeding more than 8 total?
am i making sense? i dont know.. i just came to me recently though as i was composing a song... the song began sounding way to articificially "lush," and i wondered if my usage of the Orch Strings was not realistic....
sorry if i am being confusing or not explaining myself well.... i just want to do my best to make these exceptional strings sound as close as to real as possible, and learn how to use them in the most appropriate and realistic way....
thanks in advance