I'm just starting to test Vienna Ensemble.
First look :
Vienna Ensemble is "just" a custom host for the Vienna Instrument we already know. So I found the same drawbacks :
- Each empty VI use some memory
A fresh empty standalone VE (1 VI already loaded) : 35Mb
VE + 16 empty VI : 280Mb
VE + 32 empty VI : 560Mb
- No "master" optimize/reset button
I was hoping the developper would add a way to enable optimize for all the loaded VI, but it's not the case.
Other tests about the memory :
As explained by DG a few months ago, there is a tips to reduce the loading time with the VI "shared memory".
(With the VI, you can load a preset, then load this same preset in another VI and the samples are not loaded two times.)
VE in Nuendo + VE in Bidule : shared memory
VE in Nuendo + VE standalone : memory not shared.