VSL has stated that they are producing a choir, and some of us have part of it already. However, they have also stated that it won't be ready until next year, so if you need something now, then don't wait for VSL.
cool. thanks for the info. Well, it's not like im in any real rush.. but then again, why blow 600$ on EWQLSC now when i could instead apply that to a superior VSL library... unless it is WAYY off in the future.
i guess im just being demandy and wishing for a rough estimate on possible release date. like, are we talking Spring of '08, or possibly as late as over a YEAR from now.. . .
i know, i know... "Good things come to those who wait."
thanks, DG
While VSL's choir will be vastly superior it will also cost far far FAR more than EWQLSC.
My [i]guess[/i] is that the VSL choir will end up costing about the same as the Cube and will also come in collections.
This means that ultimately the VSL choir will only be for people who really need a stunning choir a lot... Not just for some backing here and there.
Food for thought.
Good points Christian. I would also add that $600 is nothing if the project 'demands it' - NOW. Satisfying the client, repeat business, etc. - becuase you have a sound they want NOW - not next year. VSL's choir will be not doubt stunning but the lead time on release (next year) has forced me to buy various competing choirs NOW. Will I buy VSL next - most likely.
Have to say the EW Symphonic Choirs rely on the word builder samples to create a decent sound and I've found from a project perspective I just don't have time to fiddle about with a seperate app. Also it doesn't rock and roll with the sequencer song position. Therefore my copy remains hardly used. So hopefully VSL's offering will be easier to use and have a wide selection of sounds without resorting to word building. In terms of cost it will be the usual sweet spot of enough sales to pay for development so a price to enable this. I'm not sure there would be too many takers for a $10,000 vitual choir instrument. Julian
Why would you not want a wordbuilder? I don't have any experience with them, but what good is a choir without words? I would want to tell my choir what to sing.
Colin Thomson
@ColinThomson said:
Why would you not want a wordbuilder? I don't have any experience with them, but what good is a choir without words? I would want to tell my choir what to sing.
Colin Thomson
I often use Aaahs and Mmms. Also there are advantages not to use words from time to time. In this case nobody can be offended! However, I agree that a properly working, simple to use wordbuilding tool would be very handy. I also hope that they build on the really good sounds that have been released already. The legato promises to be really fantastic; just not quite yet.