But mine does that with every preset...
The statement that "things load faster" after the first instance has been loaded needs to be qualified - - things load faster after the initial instance has been loaded until one reboots the computer - - in which case the process of a long loading time for the first instance and fast loading times for subsequent instances is repeated.
I have only one instance(standalone) opened.
1 . First I load let's say a 600 mb ram Solo violins preset for the first time .Loading takes about 30 seconds.
2. I clear preset by loading an empty preset - ram reads 0.
3. I load 600 mb ram Chamber Strings -loading takes about 30seconds.
4. I clear preset again.ram again 0.
5.I again load 600 mb ram Solo violins as in step 1.Load takes 3-4 seconds.
6.i clear again and load Chamber strings - load takes 3-4 seconds....
and so on with every patch
So i noticed as long an instance of a standalone VI is opened every first load of a preset/patch/matrix takes ages and next load of the same patch loads imediatelly.
Until Vi is closed and opened again...
I have this issue on a new DAW.On the older one everything was working smooth...
OK, I understand what you are saying now, and I think that I've read something about why the patches stay in memory, but can't be sure so I don't want to confuse the issue.
However, what I don't understand is why you are complaining. I think that 30 seconds for 600Mb is astonishing, and I wish that my PCs loaded that fast.
Hello Seba,
once you have loaded a Preset, the location is remembered and as much information as possible stays in RAM. This is why a preset loads way faster when you load it a second time.
In other words: This behaviour is absolutely normal.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Question for VSL software boffins. I have to say the first VI boot time is a bit of a pain - with an almost full set of Vienna Instruments my boot time is about 2.5 minutes. Once a day this is not too bad but if there is an unfortunate system crash then if it hapens mid session this time delay becomes much more of an issue. Hopefully this may be addressed with Vienna Ensemble but not being a software designer I don't know what causes the log jam and how it can be fixed. However I was wondering, as I guess most users work most of the time on the same computer(s) set up, if all the initial licence and file directory checking that goes on during boot up could not be written to a small file on the dongle related to a small preference fle on the host computer so when you launched VI could launch immediately as long as the 2 files reported back their respective presence confirming the licence and directory state in an instance. Wishfull thinking? Be good to hear some feedback from Vienna on start up and load times as these are likely to become more and more important as RAM use balloons in a 64bit world. Julian
Hi Seba,
can you elaborate on how much RAM you are loading, and what "extremely long" means in real time compared to "immediately"?
The initial start time after a restart always takes some time to scan the assigned content.
The more informations you can provide us with, the better.
Loading samples into RAM will always take its time. And we are working hard to make this time shorter.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support