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  • Vienna Special Edition demo by Christian and aftertouch.


    I played Christian's composition in cubase today, and also got it to play back in Sibelius 5. Sounds just so great!

    I've noticed in the midi messages that appear on the sibelius score as text that there is the breath controller which reads as ~C2, then followed by the value, and also one that I had not come across before which was ~A, followed by the numerical value. Looking this up in the Sibelius 5 reference, it is apparently the aftertouch controller. If you do see this post Christian, would you mind telling me if aftertouch as a controller was used for some reason?

     On the other hand, it just may be what your midi controller keyboard transmits anway, regardless of what controllers you are using.

    Thanks for any info on this,



  • Hi Steve, 

    The Aftertouch data is not used. Thats simply the aftertouch message my masterkeyboard (Yamaha S80) is sending all the time while playing. I totally forgot that and therefore also forgot to delete it.

     I hope you will find this tutorial useful.



  •  Hi Christian,

    thanks for letting me know this. I thought it was as you said, but I also wondered if there was some other reason for this.

    I do find this piece of yours and the tutorial very enlightening and I also find Paul's presentation of this entertaining to listen to with his sense of humour coming through!

    In listening to the score in Cubase Studio 4, and then in Sibelius 5, it has made me feel a lot more happier, in that I am quite interested in how the runs you use in the woodwind sound so good, even though it is not fast legato that is included in the samples.

    I remember Beat gave some demo's showing how the ordinary legato's sound pretty great in fast melodic lines/scale work as well. 

    I have the Full orchestral strings VI and the appassionatas, and I would also like to have the VI woodwind standard edition and be able to use the fast legatos in them for this piece I have in mind.

    However, in listening and using your tutorial, I realize that I can use the ordinary legato's for fast legato work, until I get the VI woodwinds, so that makes me feel quite happy!

    I am glad you and Paul worked on this tutorial together. It's really helped me realize the great potential that is in this package.

