I decided to give Vista 64 Bit a try, as I want to use more RAM. Most programs work without
problem. e.g. Cubase SX 3 just works. However, I am having trouble to get VI working.
Though the Synchrosoft dongle driver seems to be installed properly, I get "No licenses are installed"
with VI. (My licenses are all listed from within the Synchrosoft Control Center). I tried to reinstall
the dongle driver, the VI instrument again and again. Tried to use VI from within Cubase or
stand-alone, tried to run with or without administrator privileges. But VI doesn't show my Special
Edition. The weird thing is, that yesterday at night, after endless reinstall attempt it suddenly worked.
Then I moved on to work on other things. Now I just tried to load project and suddenly the licenses
have disappeared again.
(Yes, I ran the Directory Manager, to tell where the SE files are located)
Does anybody have any idea what could cause this? Or do I just have to wait for the next VI release?
Thanks in advance,