Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • LCC is available here:
    make sure your browser is not set to chache pages or set your preferences to *retrieve content everytime visiting* (or similar wording) or refresh the page several times

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks, the page was stuck in my cache and wouldn't come up with the new version until I cleared it [8-)] Weird. Got it now!

  • Thanks to Maya and cm for all this info!

    Quick tip for mattdean:
    You can quickly force your browser to refresh by choosing the <reload> option - it clears the cache and loads the latest version of a web page in one click (...usually...)

    Regards - Colin

  • Thanks Colin,

    Actually, I was aware of that, and that's what I did - out of habit, but to no avail. I think it's a Safari thing, happens once and a while, but I forget. Always good to get a reminder.

    The update is MUCH better! It scans licenses in seconds!


  • Hi

    ...with Synchrosoft
    Fresh booted PC (3,2GHz, P4, Asus P4800SE) in Cubase SX3.?newest

    The very first Vienna Instrument needs 1'25" - bevore > 9'
    Later on a new VI needs 6" - before 10 - 20"
    A second VI-instance 1" - before 3 - 4"
    [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D]

    Disadvantage: No more coffee break [:(]

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Looks like the PC versions are still working better than the MAC versions.

    I had 7 minute MAC start-up times and 2 Minute Windows start times (on a MacBook Pro) with the previous software.

    i haven't checked the Windows start -up but the MAC start-up has dropped from 7 minutes to 2 minutes 30 seconds a significant improvement but- still 90 seconds slower than PC.


  • well, i for myself am not surprised that PCs or intelMacs are faster than PPC-macs ... the processor design of the G5 (aka PPC970) is basically from 2002 and has not changed since then, whereas we saw several generations passing by during that time in the intel-world, so it doesn't take me wonder that intel-based machines are faster on almost all tasks ourdays.

    there are some jobs, where a G5 still beats intel, generally everything which makes intensive use of the altivec-extension like rendering DV or quicktime-movies

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • After watching the numbers fall over the last few weeks, i'm astonished how quickly the VI loads now. Mac or PC, i can remember much longer loading times for lesser VST's without CP not that long ago. The work and effort that must have gone into getting this to work even better, beggars belief.
    My how the technology flies.........

    Now, Christian M seems to have gone quiet, so.....

    How's MIR coming along?


    p.s. Just Kidding!

    [[:|]] [H]

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    @Another User said:

    Unfortunately we were forced to withdraw the License Control Installer from our download page due to an error.

    We strongly recommend to update your installation.

    Please find the updated LCC ( here:

  • Maya,

    I just updated a few days ago with 5.0.5 - is this
    Something different?


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    @Rob Elliott said:


    I just updated a few days ago with 5.0.5 - is this
    Something different?


    Yes, is different from according to Syncrosoft and they strongly recommend to update to version


    M a y a

  • Thanks Maya for the fast reply. I'll update today.


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    @Another User said:

    Unfortunately we were forced to withdraw the License Control Installer from our download page due to an error.

    We strongly recommend to update your installation.

    Please find the updated LCC ( here:


    this link leads to a 5.0.4 VERSION. What is the issue?


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    @Another User said:

    Dear Customers,

    although we withdrew the License Control Installer just recently
    from our download page and replaced it with an updated version
    just today, it turned out the issue wasn't solved by this installer
    regarding all aspects.

    Consequently, we will withdraw the Syncrosoft License Control installer
    version as well and replace it by a *proper* version tomorrow.

    We sincerily apologize for any inconveniences (...).

    What happened is that Syncrosoft has withdrawed version also shortly after I posted it here.
    Hopefully a final version of 5.0.5.x will be available tomorrow. I am sorry for the confusion.


    M a y a

    Ps.: Sort of a "Catch the update, if you can" game. [;)]

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    @Another User said:

    Dear Customers,

    although we withdrew the License Control Installer just recently
    from our download page and replaced it with an updated version
    just today, it turned out the issue wasn't solved by this installer
    regarding all aspects.

    Consequently, we will withdraw the Syncrosoft License Control installer
    version as well and replace it by a *proper* version tomorrow.

    We sincerily apologize for any inconveniences (...).

    What happened is that Syncrosoft has withdrawed version also shortly after I posted it here.
    Hopefully a final version of 5.0.5.x will be available tomorrow. I am sorry for the confusion.


    M a y a

    Ps.: Sort of a "Catch the update, if you can" game. [;)]

    Thanks Maya - just reminds me of ANY software's 'updates' are really suspect until everyone else tries them and works the bugs out. I am usually a 'late comer' on updates for this reason. I just don't have time to fiddle with computers. [:'(]


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    @Maya said:

    Dear Customers,

    although we withdrew the License Control Installer just recently
    from our download page and replaced it with an updated version
    just today, it turned out the issue wasn't solved by this installer
    regarding all aspects.

    Consequently, we will withdraw the Syncrosoft License Control installer
    version as well and replace it by a *proper* version tomorrow.

    We sincerily apologize for any inconveniences (...).

    Syncrosoft ... the Trabant of software protection??


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    @julian said:

    Syncrosoft ... the Trabant of software protection??


    Julian, your claws are showing.....


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    @julian said:

    Syncrosoft ... the Trabant of software protection??


    Julian, your claws are showing.....


    Can you imagine what 'claws and teeth' are showing inside of VSL's conference rooms. I can imagine Herb and crew are fed up with this subsupplier. On one hand - they are needed to protect their investment on the other - they are possibly preventing sales or at the very least ticking off existing customers [:'(]


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    @julian said:

    Syncrosoft ... the Trabant of software protection??


    Julian, your claws are showing.....



    The trouble is I'm working on a multi cue commercial project as we speak and due to the still (unfortunately) very long load times using the Vienna Instruments system I HAVE to work with the old Orchestral Cube library to meet my deadlines.

    Don't get me wrong the Vienna Instruments are wonderful but in the Logic/Mac environment they do not yet fit into a commercial multi-cue workflow where a director might be present and can't just while away the day waiting for each cue to load.

    I can't get a Mac initialisation time for Vienna instruments anywhere near the 50"-60" Maya has quoted - takes 2'30" for an empty VI AU to open in Logic for the first time (have any other Mac users got down to 1 minute with the full 10 instrument collection?)

    Currently I can load a maxed out Logic session using the Pro edition EXS version (RAM wise) in just over 4 minutes from booting my computer in the morning.

    An equivalent RAM load - this time using the Vienna Instruments - though improved - recently is nearly 4 minutes longer.

    I recently calculated to review a 15 cue project with the production's director would involve me with over 2 hours of load time!!

    In a time conscious industry this just doesn't fly.

    I think VSL have made great moves forward in their application of Sampling technology and enable tracks to be created that would have been unfeasible a few years ago. However in getting their system on to our system (i.e. the license scanning issues and data loading issues) the Vienna Instruments appear, at least on a MAC system to be behind the curve. My system has a potential capability to transfer into RAM at over 200MB/second. With the Vienna Instruments, taking scanning and loading into account, loads are averaging at under 10MB/second - one twentyeth of the sysyems theoretical limit.

    There rant over!

    Now I'm looking to be able to incorporate the wonderful Vienna Instruments into my projects in the near future....hopefully!


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    well to not exaggerate things .... i could imagine there turned up other issues not related to VSL licenses and so they had to withdraw the version.

    for users with registered ViennaInstruments Libraries i've therefore temporary re-activated the download from the user area

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.