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    @clarkcontrol said:

    My point was this:

    You're a troll.


    Ok, I'm a troll, can't write, not smart like Evan Evans.... Anything else?

    Oh yeah! Almost forgot: I enjoy baseless indictments.

    And I also only write flawed arguments....

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    @Guy said:

    I don't think it's a good idea to begin using different philosophies as "The American Way", 'cause as much as the Americans are successful they are as much a bad example of nearly as many things... Paul, I think you've been watch too many episodes of "Happy Days"!

    That may be so, but it was either that or Canada's fly on the wall documentary ' I Put my Neighbours Wife up the Duff 17 times and then I Bought a Field" on the other channel.

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    @PaulR said:

    That may be so, but it was either that or Canada's fly on the wall documentary ' I Put my Neighbours Wife up the Duff 17 times and then I Bought a Field" on the other channel.

    Paul, I don't really care about this thread anymore.

    Have a good day.

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    @Guy said:

    I don't really care about this thread anymore.

    Have a good day.

    ditto. good night.

    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.
  • I would like to apologize to Steve for letting this get off topic.

    Guy doesn't have to have perfect english to participate in these forums, to be sure, but when he writes:

    "the emphasize was NOT on that word as you tried to make it, you derange lunatic! Oh, and William, your such an idiot."

    It is precisely this stuff that reeks of infantile troll behavior that I will not tolerate. Not to mention that he makes himself look even more stupid by including all those errors. I regret terribly that I got suckered into his little game and will just have to ignore these comments from now on.

    Once again, I am sorry to you, Steve and to the others who were trying to stay on topic. For those who wish to continue this discussion, please know that I will refrain from posting off-topic comments, however true they might be.



  • ClarkControl,

    I would NOT insult just anybody on this forum. Get that through your thick scull.
    The reason I have no scruples saying these things to William, as I already said in this thread and you just ignored it, is because he himself has said a lot worse things to me and someone else, who I will not mention the name. So ClarkControl, where were you when William said these things, or because you have some sort of alliance with him that was okay, hey? Maybe the next post I should extract some of his lovely posts, and put them here in this thread in big letters so the whole forum could see that he's no saint, and he knows that and you know that!

  • Thanks to all who participated - and those who still might- and also for all the interesting comments. know won needs two right perfectly inn order to particiapte. (No one needs to write perfectly in order to participate.) If this was in German I know I'd have a tough time. Mein deutsch ist nicht so gut.

    For those who wonder about this, I'm pretty busy with my work and therefore don't have the time to devote to learning the traditional way. I purchased the pro edition last summer and have been listening to the samples and just playing around. Since my son uses the studio most evenings for recording rock bands I get a few hours a week on the VSL. Of course there are other things too. This weekend I was busy painting my sailboat. And my backyard still needs lots of work.

    My apologies (sort of) to those who have had seizures and fits. May you find peace.

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    This weekend I was busy painting my sailboat.

    How big is your sailboat Steve?

  • [/quote]

    How big is your sailboat Steve?[/quote]

    A little 21 foot sloop. Great for off-shore sailing. She's named "Endorphin".

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    last edited said:

    A little 21 foot sloop. Great for off-shore sailing. She's named "Endorphin".

    Endorphin, that's a cool name.

    VSL and chicks are my endorphin, except when comes the time to pay VSL...Ooooh!!! My head hurts... [:@]

    Guy [:)]